Re: We will no longer ship to....
This is bizarre! Why would they ban your products? All of them? Do they provide a reason? Do they lay out sensibly and logically why your herbal remedies are unwanted, undesired, or dangerous or whatever? That's a most horrible development.
After having had to see so many useless medical practitioners (across three continents, no less) and having had to listen to a shedload of bulldust from them, I came across Humaworm by my own research. And since I had nothing to loose anymore, I wanted to give it a try. While I'm not where I would love to be, Humaworm is the one thing that got me better. Not perfect yet, but slowly increasing. And I was very doubtful when I began with Humaworm, then followed with some other cleanses till I could continue with Humaworm. Right now, I'm on the in-between formula till my next cleanse in May; and I'm very grateful for that product as well, as it seems to help me a lot along the way to recovery.
As I'm living in Switzerland (which is not part of the EU, despite being at its center), I'm not in immediate danger of loosing access to the only remedy that is helping me right now. But as Switzerland is forced more and more to comply with EU regulations (the sheer economical might of my dear neighbours makes sure of that), I'm afraid that it is just a question of time till our health system follows suit.
Dr. Bailey, if you have information about the reasoning behind these bans, please make it public here. I'll do my very best to fight against such civil service madness. But to do so, I need to know about the background of the issue.
I know that there is a pretty big business in the EU when it comes to alternative medicines and medication; so maybe the local gurus are a bit miffed about Humaworms success and try to get it out of the way. Still, I don't know what's happening, but bloody hell, I sure want to know what's going on. The world being poisoned by nuclear power plant failures as in Japan, but Humaworm is the bigger problem and therefore action is needed? Oh, come on. I feel really outraged, I'm angry and I'm beside myself that probably very soon some big business no-hopers will be in the position to dictate my access to health solutions that our practitioners don't want to offer and provide.
If needed in future, I will personally come to Oxford, Mississippi to pick up my order. That's a big word, I know, and many who need your help are not in the position to entertain such fancies. But I'll do it. And then I want to see them refusing me to bring it into my own country.
As a footnote: I've got Australian Citicenship as well, but as you made clear, I would be as bad off there as I would when living in the European Community.
Dr. Bailey, again, if you can provide any background information about this evil-smelling business that's going on here and seems to spread like a catching disease, please do so. We can only fight the buggers when we know how they are going to reaon their cause.
And whoever who's reading this to this bitter end here, I ask you to stand up for your rights to make your own decisions about your health - which includes free access to the remedies you trust most and learned about. And as you have to pay for them by yourself, it's no bloody business of your government - whatever country you live in and whatever government you have to endure.
This world really turns into one big worry, d@mn it.