Hi all,
Surfer27 here. Has anyone use the amino acid N AcetylCysteine for their fecal body odours and found, that it helped remove their fecal body odours or anal smells after a bowel movement? I only ask, because I've been dealing, with this debiliating, fecal body odour for many, many years and am desperate for any kind of relief!!! I've read posts of some people taking it and it helped with their body odours, but the person's post, never said, whether it helped with fecal body odour! I've tried all the cleanses, digestive enzymes, fiber supplements, body washes and candida cleanses and it hasn't helped!!! If anyone out there, has done all of this and has tried something new, for their fecal body odours and it helped reduce their fecal body odour somewhat, please let me know!! Thanks and take care.