My son is doing a parasite cleanse right now (been on a Wormwood product for 3 days) before he does the Oxypowder and then ultimately the Liver Flush routine...and on the third day he had terrible malaise. Only noticable results of the parasite cleanse has been very dark urine.
I'm tempted to recommend that he take the Wormwood for a parasite cleanse at the same time you are taking Oxypowder for cleansing of the colon. Has anyone ever tried this?
The reason I ask is I've read Hulda Clark s and she recommends the parasite cleanse and then and Colon Cleanse before the Liver Flush so the junk from the liver has a quick and clean path to elimination.
On another site - Brenda Watson recommends that you do a complete Colon Cleanse before attempting a parasite cleanse. Which approach works better?