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Uny uses the same recipes...Re: Superfood vs Miracle Green/Other...Re: random comments
healinginHiswings Views: 2,793
Published: 14 y
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Uny uses the same recipes...Re: Superfood vs Miracle Green/Other...Re: random comments

We love Dr. Schulze and follow his teachings, plus those of his teachers, and Dr. Max Gerson. But Uny and her husband make their own herbal products and sell them through their own Herbal Apothecary. The link to their storefront is up at the top of the page. Uny's products are fresh, shipped out the day the order is received, and are of incredible quality. Her products are also at least half the cost of Dr. Schulze 's on his website. I haven't checked Amazon, so I don't know what his things cost there.

With Uny's products come "Uny." I will tell you that she is about as good as it gets on Curezone. She, as well as her husband behind the scenes, pour themselves into everything they do and write. She gets really behind in answering people's questions, because she takes so much time with each customer to make sure they get her very best. So people who she has helped, or trained, turn around and help others who come to her forum. And if we make a mistake, she corrects us, which is how we learn.

Those of us who love Uny do our best to make this forum a real and safe healing sanctuary of love, light, and peaceful truth. I hope it will be that way for you, Roooth.

Welcome. :)



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