19 y
To NewMother---
I had been wondering about you and was about to even type here to ask anyone if they knew what had happened with you! Your case goes to show you that there are ABSOLUTELY situations that become life-threatening very quickly. I am glad you did not wait too long...
Natural medicine is wonderful and the way God intended for us to treat our bodies, BUT you did the right thing, do not beat yourself up about this, it was the only option you had at that point! Thank God you had medical facilities available for help! I don't prefer surgery or western medicine risks either, but I can guarantee you if I had been in your situation, I would have probably gone to the ER faster than you did! Most are well-meaning here, but some seem to have the idea that "save the gallbladder at ALL costs" which is not always possible! Irregardless of what some think, you can live without the GB---you may be just fine or you may have problems, life is a risk. My 46-year-old cousin nearly also waited too long--she ended up in an ER on a vacation in a another state, had to have emergency surgery and her GB was so diseased that as they were lifting it out, it fell apart---they told her it was nothinhg but a rotting bag of pus"---SORRY TO BE SO GRAPHIC, but it was. She spent two weeks in the hospital with drains constantly draining the infection, she almost died. Use natural methods as much as possible, but then thank God you live in America and have choices and good emergency services if absolutely needed. I am praying for you and your family. "God is ALWAYS in control"....