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Gary Littleton's blog from the Wayback Machine~ Mercury and Me

I've just picked up his mercury stuff- you can follow the link if you wish to learn more about the man. Gary Littleton was VERY mercury-poisoned and these are his blog entries that have specifically to do with that:



Mercury and Me


My journal of working to get well from chronic and acute (June 2005 I methylated mercury through my entire body) mercury poisoning.





My Mercury Levels




Written by Gary Littleton   

Thursday, 30 November 2006

I met Ed, who runs after methylating mercury through my body last year. He likes to dowse so he asked how much mercury I had. Here are the results which I thought interesting.

In the past multiple doctors have tested me using EAV, kinesiology, and told me I had more mercury than anyone they had ever tested, also with no ability to excrete it. So much mercury that doctors like Dr.Tan, MD in fort worth couldn't believe it. In a way I wonder if I'm not somewhat genetically adapted to handle more. I used to sweat and amalgamate rings when I was a teenager.

Anyway, for the heck of it, here are his results. He included a couple of other people he dowsed for comparison.

Hi Gary,


I have dowsed for several people (all from eSens). I think you wouldn't mind if I would dowse for you too.

So here goes:



0% genetic mercury detox capability

90 gram in body

30 gram in brain

165 gram at birth

14 drops of ndf per day best approach

ndf 100% efficacy and safety

lipoic acid 95% efficacy and safety

ndf plus 0%


Person 2/female:

5% genetic detox capability

32 grams of mercury in body

7 gram of mercury in brain

1 gram at birth

6 drops of ndf per day

after 3 months increase to 11 drops ndf per day ndf best way to detox, 100% score


Person 3/male:

10% genetic detox capability

18 gram body

7 gram brain

12 gram at birth

8 drops of ndf per day

you can increase to 10 drops after 3 months ndf best way to detox, 100% score


Person 4/female:

5% genetic detox capability

19 gram in body

8 gram in brain

4 g birth

9 drops of ndf p/day best approach (100% score w.r.t. safety and effectivity) increase to 12 drops of ndf after 3 months lipoic acid 95% lipoic acid 90mg pills dmsa effetive 95% dmsa miligrams per pill 80mg first 3 weeks of dmsa, then you can start using lipoic


Person 5/male:

0% genetic detox capability

11 gram in body

4 gram in brain

ndf plus scores best at 100%

3 drops per day of ndf

increase to 6 drops after 3 months


Take care,



the Netherlands 



Dentist Visit




Written by Gary Littleton   

Wednesday, 20 December 2006

Went to the dentist today. Talk about anxiety. Even though they are a mercury free dentist I can still feel the mercury in the air. They told me I have so much bone loss that I need to have all my teeth pulled and to have surgical buildup of the bone, and then get dentures, all for a meager 25K. First the dentist causes your health problems and charges you a lot of money, then they charge you a ton of money to try to fix the problems they caused. Sucks big time.


Chelation Lessons Learned




Written by Julia Trudeau   

Monday, 18 December 2006

This is a message Julia sent to Gary Littleton and to Andy Cutler summarizing her very valuable insights into chelation using sulphur chelators like DMSA and ALA that need to be taken on a timed (usually 3-4 hour) basis:



I start all adults on 25mg DMSA. My patients, who all are still able to work, all handle AdvaClear with the DMSA. After the 5th patient said, “I’ll never chelate without the AdvaClear again,” I don’t let anyone chelate without it. Mainly tiredness, yeast or headaches if they don’t use the AdvaClear. I’ve found one AdvaClear pill with each dose of chelator works better than anything less.


There are a few adults who go right up to 50mg DMSA then 100mg DMSA, but just as many who have to move down to taking ½ or 1/3 of a 25mg pill of DMSA.


Almost all side effects of chelation are a result of redistribution, directly or indirectly. Redistribution happens even if timing is right if the person takes more of a chelator than they can handle.


Timing doesn’t matter nearly as much (and might not matter at all) if a person is taking the amount of a chelator that stirs up just the amount of mercury (or less than the amount) their body is capable of eliminating.


The quantity of a specific chelator a person can handle may be very small.


They might be able to handle a very small amount of one chelator, but a rather large dose of another chelator.


Avoid ALL side effects of chelation or it is possible for the person to worsen rather than improve over time.


Yeast flare ups with chelation are often (possibly always) a result of redistribution.


No redistribution = no yeast.


It is better to avoid creating yeast with chelation than try to kill it after its growth has been stimulated. Of course I don’t mean avoiding creating yeast with chelation by avoiding chelation. I mean finding a way to chelate that doesn’t encourage yeast.


Taking AdvaClear during chelation (if tolerated, I haven’t had a patient yet who couldn’t tolerate it, but I’m sure they are out there) is the best way I’ve found to avoid growing yeast.


Increasing Phase II without increasing Phase I liver function is probably the main reason AdvaClear works.


I do not like AdvaClear on non chelation days because of the NAC in it. I think NAC stirs up mercury. I don’t mind stirring up mercury if there is a chelator around.


I have used MCS II by Biotics for balancing phase I and II instead of AdvaClear It has lipoic acid in it, maybe 20mg per pill so this has to be accounted for and dosed at every 3 hours. For those patients who are chelating with lipoic acid and not DMSA this can be easier. It means one less pill every 3 hours.


I’ve tried the individual components of AdvaClear on myself to see which one, if any, seemed to be having the most effect. It appears to be the watercress glucosinolate. I tried Oncoplex, by Xymogen which is 30mg of sulphorophane glucosinolate and that seems to have the most beneficial effect, but I just started this trial this year and I haven’t tried the Oncoplex with chelation, just by itself on non chelation days.


I wanted to know this, one, because there are a lot of ingredients in AdvaClear that a person could potentially be sensitive to. It would be useful to know which ingredient is doing the most good in case someone is sensitive to something in the AdvaClear. Also, I would like AdvaClear to be available without the NAC and then I would be comfortable giving it on non chelation days, but it isn’t available without NAC, so I want something else to use for non-chelation days and one pill would be easier than several.


EVERY patient is in a hurry to get the mercury out and if I had to write anything about chelation for the general public I would probably mention FIRST that EVERYONE, if not strongly warned about it first, will make the same mistake of overdoing it. And this is ALWAYS a mistake.


ZERO symptoms are acceptable during chelation or it will take longer, not less time to detoxify. It is appropriate to get some symptoms in the attempt to find out how much dose of a chelator will cause symptoms and take just the amount less than that.


About three months of chelation without side effects will completely change the way a patient’s musculoskeletal system feels to me during adjustments. I’ve found this to be more consistent than the patient’s subjective reports of improvements with chelation.


Here are some sure signs that a person is mercury toxic that I don’t usually see mentioned. These are all things I’ve noticed on the first meeting of someone that made me wonder if they were mercury toxic and later found out for sure they were. Furrowed brow much of the time, even slightly. Excessively dry skin. Allergic shiners. Could cry at the drop of a hat. Excessively irritable. Just about any odd skin stuff, blotchy, red, patchy, dry.


Hair tests are almost completely useless for lead. If it says there’s lead, there’s lead. If it says there is not, there still could be.


Really only recent exposure to lead shows on the hair test, pretty much like mercury.


The only people I see with mercury itself showing on hair tests are people who have gotten it recently from fish.


If I look back at my various mercury exposures to see what really put me over the edge, it was eating tuna fish. I really only ate it about 1 time per week too. Usually it was tuna steak instead of tuna in the can though, which I know is worse.


Pay attention to the color of stools during chelation. If they start out light colored or lighten during chelation, do something about it. I like Beta Plus by Biotics or AF Betafood (if the person isn’t gluten sensitive, there is gluten in this) and/or P-5-P to increase bile production



Tags:  Mercury Balancing Mercury Julia Trudeau Chelation Lessons Learned dmsa phase1 phase2 detox pathways chelation candida yeast advaclear 

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Comments (2)



1. 04-01-2007 11:51




Julia, what are your thoughts on TD-DMSA and TD-DMPS? Have you had any success with them? Thank you in advance - Bill Sharpe






Bill Sharpe



2. 03-01-2007 14:34



Excellent article

Julia, thank you for sharing your lessons. As the father of an autistic son, we slowly came to the conclusion that the Andy Cutler dosages were way too much, and must be reduced way down. It is good to see someone else with the same conclusions.





Bill Sharpe





You are here: Home  Mercury  Mercury Balancing  Supplementing B-Vitamins

Supplementing B-Vitamins




Written by Julia Trudeau   

Monday, 18 December 2006

This is a message Julia wrote to Gary about B-Vitamins: 


All mercury toxic people are low in B vitamins. Both because of methylation defects (mutations) and because of methylation blocks by mercury, aluminum, and/or lead. I'm sure there are other things that come into play as well. B12 is the one that every toxic person needs. I haven't found an exception to this, but there might be some. It can be taken orally if there is intrinsic factor in the pill. Metagenics has Intrinsi-B12 with folate, and Vessel Care. They both have intrinsic factor in them. I take 1 Vessel Care per day. Vessel Care was the first thing to help me when I was at my worst.


Vessel care did stimulate methylation for me, did give me euphoria and did make my arms a little tingly, not numb though. It didn't seem to effect my bile production though.


By the way Amy Yasko lists many of her protocols for a variety of conditions on one of her sites. Other supplements vary, but every one of them has intrinsi-B12 with folate included. She only has people take 1/4 of one pill per day though. If you dowse for this or vessel care I think you should try just 1/4 of a pill at a time.


The difference between Intrinsi B12 and Vessel Care is that Vessel Care has trimethylglycine (betaine) in it. Some people don't do so well with the betaine. I have an autistic boy patient who improves on dimethylglycine, but worsens witih trimethylglycine. This is one example of how I said it can get hard to treat people when there are so many individual variations on things. In actual clinical settings, this becomes very readily apparent, and quite a problem. I do better with the trimethylglycine added, that's why I take vessel care.


If there is no intrinsic factor with the B12, don't bother swallowing B12.

Take it in a sublingual form, or a shot. I don't see any reason to take the shot though since the sublingual forms work fine if you just take enough of it. Most of the injectible B12 that pharmacies carry have aluminum in them as a preservative also, except for Tahoma clinic dispensary in Seattle. 1mg sublingual doesn't usually do much, it usually takes more like 5mg. Some people do better with methylcobalamin, some better with cyanocobalamin, some hydroxycobalamin. It has been suggested by Yasko that having a little of each is best. In that case, the 1mg sublingual pills might be helpful so you could mix them. I haven't tried that myself. 1mg pills might be better to start you out with also so we don't go stimulating so much methylation in you that other things get out of balance.


Between using sublingual b12 and a preparation with other methlating things (the Metagenics products), use whichever you dowse for, but don't go by dowsing for dose. Just start really low.


2nd big supplement that toxic people are low in is thiamine. I like Bio-3-BG by Biotics Research. If a person is thiamine deficient they will usually get up in the middle of the night to pee more than once and they will have some muscle soreness problems. Maybe only when they use their muscles a little more than usual, not necessarily always, like with fibromyalgia.


The reason I like Bio-3-BG is because it has all of the b vitamins in it, just extra thiamine. They are mostly in their phosphorylated forms also.

Toxic people will need to supplement with B12 always and extra thiamine sometimes, but it is always best to have a base of all the b vitamins with them. Not just B12 alone or thiamine alone.


I use the Bio-3-BG for my base of other b-vitamins, but if a person didn't need the extra thiamine use Bio-B100 by Biotics Research or Max stress B by Premiere (Dr. Bob Marshall's company). Max stress B is just brewers yeast that has been predigested by probiotics. It is liquid.


I actually also take extra trimethylglycine in the form of Beta Plus by Biotics, but AF Beta Food by Standard Process worked even better for me, but has some wheat product in it and I couldn't take it for long without bad headaches.


I personally am quite low in both B6 and thiamine as evidenced by my tendency to have numb arms (B6 deficiency) and delayed onset muscle soreness without much extra activity at all (thiamine deficiency) so my daily B-vitamins look like this:


  • 1 Vessel Care by Metagenics per day
  • 3 B6 phosphate by Biotics Research per day
  • 3 Bio-3-BG by Biotics Research per day
  • 3 Beta plus by Biotics Research per day


It took me a long time to figure this out for myself. Please note that this amount of methylating things will stimulate a fair amount of detoxification without any added chelators. I really doubt that you could handle this quantity of things. Much better to start out slow. The only exception to that is just straight B12. I've heard that you almost can't give too much of it to a toxic person. I don't know if that is true though. It still wouldn't hurt and will only help to start out slowly with everything after dowsing.


I will reitereate that I think that getting B vitamins straight, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids seem to be the most helpful.


I have only recently been supplementing with amino acids. I've been doing the other three even long before I started chelating. I got the most noticeable symptomatic improvements from taking the b-vitamins and minerals.


I like Multi-Min Chelate from Metagenics the best for minerals. I take 3 per day. That and Vessel Care were the two things that helped me the most.

AMNI has a multi-mineral without iron that is something like Multi-Min Chelate, but you take 6 per day. Some people do better on it than the Metagenics product.


I have been experimenting with a general free form amino acid preparation and that has been helpful for me, but when you get into sulfur sensitivities you will have a much harder time getting this straightened out.


Start by dowsing which would be the best of the 4 to start with. I'm sure it won't be amino acids. Then only work on one of them at a time.



Tags:  Mercury Balancing Mercury Supplementing B-Vitamins dmsa chelation 

Views: 1503 | E-mail


No Mercury Detox Protocol Is Safe




Written by Gary Littleton   

Tuesday, 19 December 2006

When you research across specialized boundaries, sometimes it is easy to see patterns that you never see when sticking in one area of science.


Back when I decided to research what was causing my ADD/ADHD symptoms and other health problems, it didn't take me long to determine the problem. In fact, I'd say it was one of the most obvious (and depressing) conclusions from a research project I ever had. I determined quickly that most of the health issues being experienced today where the methods of treatment are largely ineffective, such as Autism, Cancer, ADHD, AIDS, EMF Sensitivity, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Wilson's syndrome, hypo and hyperthyroid and other emerging Indigo Child issues are primarily due to mercury disrupting the body and the highly misunderstood and critical ways that iodine is used.

When I tried to communicate that Autism, AIDS and other problems were mercury related 12 years ago I also got to understand the politics of medicine better and it is not pretty scenario. Now at least others are making the connections and the problem is becoming known. The bad news is that figuring out the problem was easy, but figuring out the solution, which is detoxing mercury and restoring the correct iodine function of the body is not so easy.

Unfortunately, all methods of mercury detox are dangerous and risky. Doctors and companies that sell products will tell you otherwise, and that it is safe to do DMPS, DMSA, EDTA, NDF, NDF+, BTM, etc but it isn't true. They all can have very serious side effects.

The two best protocols I have researched are Biorays BTM (, which uses NDF, NDF+ and liverlife as it's primary metal drainage strategy, and the Andy Cutler protocol (, which uses sulphur chelators like DMPS, DMSA and ALA on a strict timed dosage schedule in an attempt to minimize redistribution of metals.

Both Bioray and Andy Cutler imply it is easy to detox mercury, or that there are no side effects, which simply isn't the case. You can and probably will have severe reactions to either protocol, and both can have life threatening results. Really.

For example, you can't use a sulphur based chelator without recirculating mercury. It is not possible because of the way iodine works in the body. When the body iodates cells any mercury bound between cysteine di-sulfide bonds will be broken, released, and then reused.

Most doctor protocols that use sulphur chelators (DMSA and DMPS) are to be avoided at all costs. Without consistent timing or determining if phase1 and 2 detox pathways are open these can cause severe damage due to recirculation.

Better sulphur chelator protocols like the Andy Cutler protocol that time dosages do a fair job of minimizing recirculation and can be beneficial, but they can't stop recirculation. That is why mothers of autistic children using his protocol go through round after round of alternating between pulling mercury, and then fighting yeast as the mercury is unbound in a more inorganic form in the body where candida can form on it. Read the mercury-autism group on Yahoo to see what these poor parents go through.

In either the BTM or Andy Cutler protocols, I have found it is critical to add zeolites and iodine supplementation to the protocol. Zeolites can keep the mercury from being recycled and reused via the small intestines. I have seen good results using the zeolite called Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) from Waiora, but there is little useful data on this supplement, and it is one of those distributed marketed items, which means it comes with a barrage of BS marketing and is also greatly overpriced, as are most products from these companies.

Even if the products are good, they require huge profit margins to support these pyramid marketing models. Also distributors of NCD quote a patent quite often, but the patent I have seen does not cover taking NCD orally, so once again it is just more BS.

What it boils down to is we still need to a lot of research and work to figure out how to detox mercury effectively and restore the iodine function of the body. We need to find a zeolite that has a very high or specific affinity for mercury when taken orally that doesn't distrupt the uptake of other essential nutrients in the intestines.

Supplements like NDF and NDF+ also unbind and chelate iodine and disrupt how it is used in the brain, which can cause seizures and other VERY serious problems. NDF+ can also methylate mercury when the body burden is high with deadly results.

In many cases a person might decide the risks of trying to detox mercury outweigh the alternatives. I have been forced to do it personally and I certainly would if a loved one had a serious health problem or I had autistic or highly ADD/ADHD children or ones with some other mercury related problem. But just remember there are a lot of risks.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone besides me are getting tired of all these "experts" telling you they have all the answers when they don't. The health stores are full of pathetically researched books and supplemenets by people that "have all the answers". I figure its about time to honestly look at what we do and don't know. Stay tuned. Gary

Tags:  Mercury Mercury Background No Mercury Detox Protocol Is Safe DMSA Andy Cutler NDF NDF+ Bioray Iodine Lugols 

Views: 2114 | E-mail






Written by Gary Littleton   

Thursday, 11 January 2007

Dorothy who teaches QXCI training asked about the ADD/ADHD protocol for kids that we've seen good results with. This is the message I sent her today.


Here is the simplest ADHD protocol we've seen consistent results with (and what Addison's nephew is doing). He is happier and his grades have improved from Ds and F's to C and B's in a month. He looks people in the eye now and his lying has stopped along with many attitude problems. There are other things you can do to monitor where the body is at and adjust the terrain, but this one seems to have universally good effect, especially with kids. Probably because it is low enough dose not to cause recirculation of metals. If I've reached any conclusions regarding mercury detox, it is that you have to go slow enough to not have recirculation. Dr. Julia Trudeau who has quite a bit of experience with mercury, wrote an excellent summary called Chelation Lessons Learned which I put on my personal website. Even though she talks about sulphur mercury chelations like DMSA, and this protocol uses NDF, a different type of binder, all of her conclusions are excellent and very valid. I suggest you read it when you get a chance.


Only do this protocol if you do NOT have mercury amalgams (silver fillings). It is dangerous if you have fillings because it will pull mercury off the fillings and you will swallow it.



First thing in the morning, before doing anything else.



1 drop NDF (Bioray Nano Colloidal Detox Factors, we get it from ) They also have a supplement called NDF Plus, but DO NOT USE IT as it contains probiotics and can cause serious side effects). 



1 drop Liverlife (Bioray, same source).



Put both in a little distilled (homemade, like with a waterwise 9000, don't use store bought distilled in soft plastic bottles, as the polyvinylchloride leeches into the water, use RO instead) or Reverse Osmosis (Dasani, Aquafina) water, and drink. 


If you can get the kid to drink water, have them drink distilled or RO water until they have had the 2nd urination. If not we haven't seen any negative effects not doing it, but metals usually come out on the first or second urination after taking NDF, so water during this period is useful. Repeat daily. You will usually see slight benefical changes within a few days, and very noticable over a period of two weeks. Keep doing it for at least a month.



Monitor bowel movements. Any out of the ordinary side effects or signs of constipation stop the protocol until normal bowel movements are back. Some don't measure ph but it is a very beneficial addional parameter. If the urine ph goes up during the day and is above 6.4, or above the saliva pH at night. (we use a meter, but the ph strips from are pretty good). Then you can ramp up the amount of liverlife from 1 drop to 5 drops and this should lower it slightly. The urine lowers because the body is eliminating more acids as a result of liverlife helping the phase1&2 detox pathways.




You are here: Home  Mercury  Mercury Messages  NDF Iodine Mercury Message

NDF Iodine Mercury Message




Written by Gary Littleton   

Tuesday, 26 December 2006

For your information: This is a message Gary Littleton wrote to a friend on June 11th, 2005. Updated 12/26/05 and 12/27/06.


The NDF supplement from BioRay works, it kicks ass. If you have amalgams but are still relatively healthy you brush with a few drops, rinse with water, and spit it out. Then take 5 drops down the back of your throat making sure not to touch your amalgams. It liberates mercury out of pituitary/pineal gland and other tissues and most people notice an immediate effect. It makes you happier and increases energy. It is really the only thing I've found that really targets mercury effectively. It is worth it's weight in gold. But I do need to warn you that for chronically sick people or those with a long history of mercury exposure it can mobilize much more mercury than their bodies can handle, and make them incredibly sick. Those people (me included) need to do a drop at a time max, and closely monitor their saliva and urine ph, which I will discuss shortly. Liverlife is a supplement that helps to correct your liver kidney detox pathways. A lot of people with chronic mercury exposure have higher urine ph than saliva. Ideally your saliva should be 6.4-7.0 and urine ph 5.8 during good detox. After detox your saliva should be closer to 6.4, mildly acid to get a good expansive ferment on foods as you chew, because a good ferment helps feed the microorganisms in the stomach, and you get a better burn (contraction or hydrolization).


The saliva ph is also closely reflective of the large intestine ph, which is mildly acid, and where final drying or composting (fermentation) of your shit happens. If urine ph goes up progressively during the day (like mine did) it usually indicates ammonia waste and that the liver isn't handling waste well. Liverlife and EM will generally help. You take Liverlife until your urine ph comes down to 5.8 (or at least below your saliva) and try to keep it there. For people whose saliva ph is less than 5.8 they really should start with EM and liverlife both, and do as many alkalizing minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium orotates) and sodas (alkala. alka seltzer gold) as their body can assimilate, and wait until they have a little bit of buffer before starting NDF or Syclovir to get their digestion working a bit more and their total alkalinity higher. Once you start getting rid of acid waste the more alkaline your saliva ph (which is a reflection of your lymphatic ph) will become. If your temp is below normal it helps to take a few drops of Lugol's Iodine in water and drink it. Or you can use Iodoral which is a capsule version of Lugol's with a buffering glaze on the capsule. This will gradually raise your temp and will help with radiation sensitivity. The Lugol's Iodine will also help to raise your saliva pH, as the body uses iodine in mucous to neutralize acidity. 


The five most effective supplements we've found are:


1. NDF (Bioray also makes a supplement called NDF+, which supposedly targets mercury across the blood brain barrier, but I have only seen very negative results with people using it, and it methylated mercury through my entire body. Avoid it at all costs unless you are VERY VERY sure it will work for you.)


2. Liverlife - Take a few droppers a day in water until your urine ph gets to 5.8.


3. Lugol's Iodine - The more mercury you liberate in the tissues or digestive track, the more iodine supplementation you will need, and most people need iodine supplementation at their current mercury level. 


In the book "The Chronic Effect of Mercury on Organisms" by the US Government in the 70's the first thing they noticed about low level mercury exposure (micro mercurialism) is that iodine taken in by the thyroid gland was disrupted. Instead of normal speed it was taken up too slow (hypo) or too fast (hyper) through the thyroid. 


So mercury displaces iodine and so do halogens (things in the same chemical column of the periodic table as iodine) like chlorine, fluoride. Most people with mercury that are prone to colds and flus need iodine, or if your body temp is below 98.6. And speaking of body temp, it is certain that mercury causes most hypothyroidism and certainly Wilson's Syndrome, where average body temperature (taken 3, 6, and 9 hours after waking) usually averages 97.8. I have seen Lugol's alone raise temp and help with fatigue, but there are some other factors here that are important that require a lot more investigation. For example, selenium will usually need to be supplemented, as selenium bound to the amino acid cysteine is how the liver extracts iodine for use by cells (it's called deiodinase by doctors) and mercury cripples deiodinase because of it binds perfectly to selenium and cysteine. Therefore you can have enough iodine stored in the liver but not be able to use it due to lack of selenium. 


This is what happens in the case of the mercury caused hypothyroid condition they call Wilson's Syndrome. In Wilson's syndrome if your mercury burden is low, taking their timed release T3 will raise temp and it will sometimes hold. Too much mercury and lack of selenium (they go together) will also cause it not to hold, so I'm not sure how effective complete restoration of body temp would be with just getting mercury out and restoring iodine levels with Lugols. It may require much more, or at least some form of thyroid stimulation to jump start things.


Iodine also causes you to be less electrosensitive (protects you against radiation... that is why all those nuclear survival fanatics sell potassium iodide caps on their sites).


People that have dramatic reactions to chlorine need iodine. The more iodine you have the less sensitive you are to chlorine and fluoride. You can't get enough from iodized salt as it also contains chlorine which displaces iodine. Also all foods with high amounts of iodine that naturally occur (like kelp) are also high in chlorine compounds. 


Likewise if you supplement with real HCL or Betaine HCL (which doesn't do people with candida overgrowth in the stomach much good as the latter stimulates your own stomach cells to produce Hcl instead of supplying it directly, and they don't have the ability anymore) you need extra iodine. 


Also when you supplement with enough iodine, you will notice your nose membranes if they are dry will become moist, as iodine antibodies are excreted in protective mucous. At least they will if your body can still produce mucous. If they aren't producing enough mucous then eating some mucous forming foods and taking iodine together may be required. You can tell if you can't produce enough mucous if things aren't lubricated well in your body (constipation, the intestines not lubricated well, real dry on the inside of the nose even after taking iodine, vaginal dryness for women, etc)


Lugol's Iodine (potassium iodide) is used in all successful alternative cancer therapies: Gerson's, Hoxsey, Hulda Clark, etc. There are also lots of current studies where they used similar dosages (6 drops 4 times a day) to cure many conditions. One I recently read had a 95% success rate in curing cystic fibrosis. 


It's also very coincidental that amalgams were first widespread placed in France in 1826 and then only 3 years later in 1829 French physician Jean Lugol created his iodine solution. I know multiple sclerosis and several new leukemia's came about shortly after 1826 also. It would be fun at some point to do a deeper look into the history immediately following amalgam introduction. Bet you would find some other interesting stuff. I've always thought type II amalgam introduction (30% copper added and they leaked mercury 50 times the rate of type I's) in 1977 was suspiciously close to the AIDS deal around the same time. 


Most people and doctors don't know that all T-Cells are dependent on iodine. In fact when you are chewing something that has a nasty bacteria, etc in it your tonsils detect it, signal your pineal, thymus, which causes iodine antibodies to be secreted in your mouth and esophagus. Also the appendix does the same thing, if your digestion hasn't taken care of the bad bugs, the appendix detects it and iodine containing mucous cells are secreted. If the bad shit still isn't taken care of the cecum valve shuts off and you have diarrhea because the liver doesn't want to absorb that bile soup if it's still toxic. If you run low on iodine (or the alkaline minerals needed to make it work) you will be prone to infections, and exposure to too many pathogens with low iodine can cause your tonsils or appendix to get inflamed and burst. Or the roots (villi) in your small intestines too, 


Iodine has a very very strong alkalizing (oxidizing) effect on lots of acids, which is how the body naturally neutralizes acidic organisms, so supplementing with Lugol's will generally raise your lymphatic ph and in turn your saliva ph also. But to do this you must have an alkaline reserve to draw from. This is not unlike using iodine or chlorine in a spa or pool to sanitize organic waste. In order for it to work the total alkalinity must be there for it to draw from, or else pH will drop like a rock and the chlorine/iodine will be ineffective. I'm not discussing minerals here much, but good recommendations for alkaline buffer can be gotten from BTM and RBTI protocols. BTM is just an improvement on RBTI because it takes into consideration mercury detox. I was always taken by the Edgar Cayce statement that all the human body needed was salts, sodas, water and iodine and it could produce everything else it needed. There is a fair amount of truth to that statement. 


Also, this is just a gut feeling, but I have a theory this may be the model. When your tonsils detect acid organisms (bacteria, virus, etc) electrical messages flow between the pineal/thyroid/thymus and if the body has the recipe for the antibody on hand, it secretes it immediately. This is immunity. If it doesn't have the recipe, it secretes generic antibody (alkalizing iodine) cells and then works to create a recipe for an antibody if it sees it again. I think the reason NAET probably works, is that you tap on the points to fool the body into thinking the electrical messages are getting through. If you didn't tap on the acupuncture points then it would realize the threat wasn't real, and not produce the antibodies. Then you hold the antigen (problem material) long enough for it to formulate a recipe for the antidote, and it cooks it up, which is why you are immune the next day. One other thing to mention here is that if the body has the antidote mixed up then the amount of iodine needed is optimized, whereas if it needs to secrete generic antibody cells a lot more iodine reserve is used. 


Once Iodine is saturated in your violet purple/blue organs (ever notice how vaporized iodine is the same color as the crown chakra, and iodine and starch are the same color as the next lower blue one) and you have a good reserve of iodine in your body then trace elements like manganese (manganese dioxide liberates iodine) may need to be supplemented. I think Carey Reams, who recommended manganese, ate lots of iodine containing foods and was iodine saturated (at least to the extent his body burden of mercury would let him be) which is why manganese was more valuable to him. I assume this because he was a soil scientist and recommended lots of potassium iodine supplementation for crops. One thing is for certain, manganese will make most people real spacey, major brain fog, if they are iodine deficient. 


One other kind of cosmic thing, if you look at a picture of chakras, white light (all frequencies) come to the top of the head, and then split into the rainbow (prism) colors. Iodine crystal in the human body works like a iodine/quartz tuner in electronics. It tunes the frequencies in (or filters the unwanted ones out) and stabilizes the lower level (yellow, orange, etc) frequencies to the body. Just like a crystal is used in electronics where it provides the highest main frequency for the circuit and then is divided down to provide the sub frequencies needed for other support chips and circuits. 


When you add mercury to a crystal, you get a much wider set of frequencies allowed through. For example these are the crystals we use in wide frequency spectrum applications such as night vision glasses where we use mercury/iodide crystals as a filter. No wonder people with a lot of mercury are "psychic" and channel shit from the universe. Yeah, I know you'll include me here too as I always said I got my patents and answers from the universe... but I'm not as flaky as most... lol. Even though I am getting more answers right now than I ever have... 


4. Syclovir - This supplement binds Candida and Mercury in the gut. Since mercury is not very soluble in hydrochloric acid the mercury we breathe and swallow accumulates in the stomach. Candida starts to grow immediately and eventually gets plantlike and changes the cells lining the stomach which makes the stomach ph less acid than it should be. Syclovir is sugar and vinegar (to lure the candida) and diatoms (like food grade diatomatious earth) which can absorb many times its volume of mercury/candida muck. Overweight people with big sugar craving are best to benefit from syclovir, and anyone with wasting would need to be much more careful taking it. Even if candida in the stomach is bound and buffered by the DE (syclovir), it would seem that it could potentially be treated as a nutrient in the small intestine and absorbed. I often think it might be better to take syclovir, followed by mg oxide or mg peroxide to flush the bowels to make sure the liver doesn't treat the mess as food. 


One reason that people are sensitive to probiotics is that it breaks the cell wall of the candida and releases mercury, which the probiotics then can potentially methylate. I know I still have a lot of mercury in my gut (from swallowing mercury on 3 occasions, and from my old type I and type II fillings, and from all the failed DMPS/DMSA treatments which only got a little out and circulated it around my body and nearly killed me), which is why I take enteric coated probiotics, which make it through the acid stomach environment and release in the small intestine. 


5. EM - Effective Microorganisms. Read about these at Basically these are pro-probiotics. Smaller organisms that help feed the larger probiotic organisms in your intestine/colon. Basically the same as compost tea for the garden, but with organisms better adapted to breaking down non-organic waste. They clean up waste and feed the larger organisms, taking a big load off your liver. 


Didn't mean to ramble so long. We should talk or do lunch and I'll tell you more about the protocols we're trying. For now you should keep reading everything you can at Timothy Ray is a very bright guy. If you combine his protocol (common sense health.doc and happy patient checklist) with, which gives a simple temp/pulse/blood pressure method to self determine when you need iodine, then you get a pretty good self-help protocol you can do at home. 


One other important thing is to make sure you get proper sulphur supplementation, from SAMe (enteric coated if sensitive to probiotics), egg yolks, or some source your body likes. It is still amazing to me researchers haven't figured out HIV is mercury acting as a catalyst disrupting the sulphur (mercaptan) based amino acids. But I guess you can't find what you are not looking for. 


They need to look at a chemical picture of the two L-Cysteines required to form a di-sulfide bond next to a picture of the chemicals DMPS or DMSA, which are created to bind to mercury. I think you could get a 1st grade class to see it... lol. 


Unfortunately, it isn't quite as easy to see the connection that people only get sick once mercury has significantly disrupted the bodies ability to use iodine to sanitize itself and prevent infection. Or another case where iodine might be working, but lack of an alkaline buffer has caused the lymph ph to become so acid that they are digesting their own flesh. As Jerry Brunelli said, "You can't eat and shit at the same time". 


There are only a few new studies that show all T-Cells are dependent on iodine. Interestingly, minimizing exposure to acidic waste helps to slow depletion of iodine, so although HIV isn't a virus, multiple sex partners will require much more iodine usage, as the body secretes it in saliva and intestinal fluid to neutralize waste, so it is somewhat of a lifestyle issue too, at least until you fix the mercury iodine balance in your body. Also it is almost a certainty that semen could create short term methyl combinations even before being rearranged (neutralized) by iodine, and since mercury accumulates in the large intestine this could be potentially dangerous combination.


But it does look like they are starting to figure out Alzheimer's is mainly a big energy reaction that causes a hole to be burned in tissue whenever aluminum comes together with mercury and that autism is mostly methyl-mercury. Remember that cool picture of a sheet of aluminum foil where droplets of mercury had burned holes through it, and it looked just like alzheimer's brain tissue. Geez, that was in a kids science book and they talked about lots of times in history mercury had done damage. From making mad hatters by using mercuric nitrate to treat felt in hats, to it's causing 7 years bad luck when you broke a mirror coated with mercuric potassium cyanide, to mercuric sulfate in lipstick. To bioaccumulation up to humans after treating seeds with methyl-mercury. Pretty soon they'll get to add a section on the disaster of mercury amalgams and mercury in vaccinations. How we found out HIV, AIDS, MS, ALS, ADD, AUTISM, ADHD, along with most autoimmune disorders and thyroid disorders were really an imbalance caused by exposure to too much mercury. 


I'm sure aluminum wouldn't be nearly as harmful to humans if we weren't so mercury toxic. Maybe it's beneficial normally since it appears so naturally in the earth's upper crust.




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You are here: Home  Mercury  Mercury Messages  Are we the Mad Hatters of this Century?

Are we the Mad Hatters of this Century?




Written by Patricia Braun   

Tuesday, 19 December 2006

This is an Outline of a Lecture given in 1997 by Patricia Ann Braun, M.D

I. Chemical and physical Properties of Mercury 

A. Symbol Hg, for Hydraargyrum -- liquid silver, or watery silver (silver symbol is Ag) 

B. Liquid ( changes from solid state) at -38.9 0 C., -38.020 F. 

i.e. mercury is a liquid at the temperature of iced tea 

C. 13.5 x heavier than water 

II. Ancient history 

A. Known to Ancient Chinese, Hindus, Egyptians, and Greeks: 

1. Pliny described the diseases of Hg miners 

2. Well recognized as a toxin throughout history 

B. Source: Mineral Cinnabar (HgS, sulfite of mercury), recovered from land mines. 

1. Worlds oldest mine in Almaden Spain, still providing 15% of annual world production 

2. Spanish miners ills have been well documented 

3. Victorian tall hat makers were well known to be toxic 

II. Uses of the various forms of Mercury 

A. Elemental Form Hg and Salts HgCl, etc. 

1. Dental Amalgams "silver fillings" 

a. 70 % of the adults in the western world have amalgams 

b. 100 tons of Hg a year, are used by U.S. dentists 

c. several formulae: 50-52% Hg, 22% Ag, 12% Cu, and Zn and Sn 

(mercury, silver, copper, zinc, and tin). 

d. ADA, (American Dental Association) until a few months ago (as of date 7/97), 

held two patents on the formulae. Sold them. * 

2. Liquid in thermometers, barometers, b.p. meters, silent switches,

kids light up sport shoe, lab. equipment, batteries, electrodes, etc.

3. Fulminates of Hg : detonators of explosives (Hg(ONC)) 

4. Sublimates : antibacterial salts 

a. Cleansers 

(1) for walls and floors of hospitals, laboratories, nursing homes, 

(2) and for instruments. 

b. Calomel (mercurous chloride salt): used internally as purgative 

(for parasites and fungicide.)

5. Preservatives in vaccines (Thimersan): Flu vaccine, D.P.T. on up to newest ones,

Hepatitis B and Hemophilus 

6. Fungicide and pesticides, and mildewcides (Hg2Cl2, ) and other salts 

a. a violent poison : two recent laboratory sudden deaths (hours) 

b. Uses: 

(1) Outdoor textiles and fabrics 

(2) Control of Dutch Elm disease 

(3) Turf fungal-disease control 

(4) In-can additives to Latex Paint 

(5) Disinfectant of commercial farm seeds: 

(problems since 1952 have finally changed this)* 

7. Vermilion pigment (no longer allowed in U.S.) 

8. Manufacture of paints and plastics, in dye industry, etc. 

9. Burning fossil fuel (entire petroleum, and solvent industry) 

B. Organic forms : Alkyl mercurials --- methyl, ethyl and aryl 

1. Uses 

a. Cosmetics 

(1) In Mexico (very heavy levels: do not use them) 

(2) In hair coloring : major brand in the U.S. (C.) 

b. Cultural use as aphrodisiac, sprinkled on floor in Folk rituals 

c. Medical use: 

(1) Ointments and creams: yellow and gray ointments for eyes and skin 

(2) Lotions and tinctures: 

(a) Calomel (oral purgative and fungicide) Caladryl 

(b) Mercurochrome, (painted umbilical stump), 

(c) Merthiolate (painted on raw wounds and hot tonsils) 

(3) Treatment for syphilis from 1500's 

(a) Arsenicals replaced it in 1900 

(b) Penicillin replaced arsenic in 1940 

(4) Diuretic in 1900's (mercurial salicylate) 

(5) Homeopathic use: try to avoid any molecules at all 

(6) In injectables 

(a) ACE - adrenocortical extract , injectible from Switzerland 

(still used in Mexico: recently stopped here) * 

(b) Vaccines: flu, et. al. 

(c) Rhogam (antigen given to Rh negative mother after a Rh + baby, 

2. Conversion to Methylmercury 

a. Air borne mercury 

(1) Industrial use puts 55 tons of Methyl mercury into the air each year: 

(a) Chicago is the worst 

(b) No place is safe. 

(2) Volcanoes and forest fires are major mercurial loading events to the air 

(3) The industrial uses and rain after natural events discharge 

mercurial forms into the waterways, creeks, streams, and lakes; 

eventually the ocean. 

b. Water borne: methylmercury is the common poison 

(1) Created when the inorganic forms enter fresh water and saturate ocean sediment. 

(2) Studied : 

(a) first in fish and predatory birds, in Sweden in 1950's: due to effects of wildlife 

(b) later in epidemics of illness in Swedish men 

(3) Sources to humans: until 1996, thought to store chiefly in 

(a) bottom feeders (scavengers and shell fish) 

(b) largest ocean fish: tuna, blue fin marlin, shark and swordfish * 

IV. Physiology of methylmercury in the human 

A. Entrance into our body 

1. Elemental Hg goes through alveolar bone and through mucous membranes of oral cavity : 

a. soluble in saliva 

b. galvanization by dissimilar metals in bridges, crowns, gold 

c. Streptococcus mutans in mouth converts Hg0 to methylmercury 

2. Elemental mercury vaporizes from the dental amalgams during drinking and chewing:* 

a. electron micrographs show droplets on the surface of the filling 

b. breath analyzer tests 

3. Swallowed with the saliva, laden with soluble ions 

4. Enters through skin 

5. Inhaled, going directly into blood stream, during dental polishing and repair 

6. Through GI (gastrointestinal) mucosa, bypassing most bowel detoxication 

a. Bacteria in bowel make methyl-Hg from the inorganic forms and salts of mercury, which: 

(1) Alters bowel flora: reduces numbers of beneficial bacteria 

(a) decreases SCFA that feed our lining cells 

(b) fosters the growth of yeasts * 

(c) allows colonization by amoebas and parasites 

(2) Creates bacterial antibiotic resistance (fosters bad bacteria) 

(3) Damages enzymes systems of the GI mucosa : 

(a) decreases the 25 % of detoxication done there 

(b) decreases sIgA (secretory immune globulin A) so we do not resist the bad bacteria: they infect us 

(c) adds to the effect of leaky bowel syndrome, creating food allergies 

b. eating fish gives methyl-Hg directly 

eating 2 cans of tuna per day will give acute toxicity 

7. Crosses all lipid membranes 

a. Cell walls (70 % lipid and 30% protein) are penetrated 

b. Myelin sheath, the insulation of nerves is eroded 

(associated with MS, and other de-myelinating degeneration) * 

c. Blood brain barrier (BBB) is traversed 

(1) 800 % increase in the incidence of brain cancer 

( ? Nutrasweet) 

(2) Produces massive brain effects : 

(a) encephalitis effects of sudden heavy exposures (acute) as in Minimata Disease 

(b) encephalitis long term slow effects similar to vaccine effects (chronic) 

B. Biochemical effects: 

1. Depresses MAO (monoamine oxidase, an enzyme of brain function) causing the 

characteristic depressions of Hg toxicity. 

2. Combines with SAM (s-adenysylmethionine) in the enzyme systems of all biologic life 

3. Binds to the heme ring (porphyrin) ring of hemoglobin and myoglobin (part of the muscle protein) 

a. Anemia 

b. Fibromyalgia 

4. Decreases mitochondial production of energy: CFIDS 

a. Immune system has to operate on energy 

b. CFIDS is: chronic fatigue and immune deficiency syndrome 

5. Hg attaches to the SH (sulfhydryl group ) 

a. in enzymes and deactivates or reduces the rate of reaction of the enzymes 

b. in the proteins in blood, which account for 10-50 % of antioxidative capacity of the blood 

c. reduces the antioxidant functions both in the blood and inside cells. 

6. Hg inactivates thiolic antioxidative compound: glutathione, which has the principle role

in rejuvenating Vit E for cyclic reuse. 

7. Hg effects oxygen transfers (intracellular peroxide functions) 

a. Hg inactivates SOD : interferes with oxygen transfer 

b. Hg inactivates catalase: 

(1) slows oxygen transfer 

(2) inhibits kill effect on "resistant staph" related to skin infections in nurses, hospitals 

8. Hg forms insoluble complex with selenium (Se): 

a. Se is a cofactor for glutathione peroxidase 

b. Se is a cofactor in tetra-iodothyroidine deiodinase: leading to Reverse T3 syndrome 

c. Se prevents fibrocystic breast disease, other cysts 

9. Hg causes decreased liver transformation of ATPase :mitrochondrial enzyme that produces our energy 

a. Heart failure is now defined as energy failure so fibers can't contract. 

b. Chronic fatigue : mitochondrial energy failure 

10. Hg interferes with DNA synthesis ( i.e. messes up our genes): 

a. mutations, birth defects: California Law 

b. cancer 

11. Hg blocks receptor sites for progesterone & interferes with estrogen 

a. interferes with reproductive functions 

b. bone metabolism 

c. heart function 

12. Causes thyroid malfunction (Se enz. for Reverse & T3 and other modes) 

13. Causes adrenal malfunction 

14. Hg found to be neurotoxic: inhibiting polymerization of brain tubulin : 

a. Alzheimer's 

b. MS etc. 

c. Peripheral neuropathy 

15. Sets stage for, or causes, "autoimmune disease" 

16. Hg blocks ATPase (stalls energy cycles) 

17. Hg blocks P450 enzymes (vast family of detox enzymes in the liver) 

18. Hg blocks glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase 

19. Mercury load both causes and is worsened by deficiency of minerals 

20. Elemental Hg, when detoxified by the thiols (glutathione) is converted to 

methyl mercury which is just as toxic as elemental. 

if redundant...... blame it on the mercury 

C. Significance: 

1. The human body was not designed to handle mercury 

2. We have no mechanism to rid our bodies of it naturally 

a. damages the kidney in effort to clear after heavy exposure: 

accounts for significance decrease of renal function as we age 

b. interferes with liver detoxication of other toxins, 

as we attempt detox in Phase I , 

leading to the spreading phenomenon of MCS 

multiple chemical sensitivity) 

c. excreted through the hair, nails, and skin --- if we are able to, 


(1) active sulfhydryl pump to excrete, 

(2) adequate mineral stores 


D. History of Mercury Poisoning: 

1. Chronic poisoning was 

a. recognized by Pliny, and in the Spanish miners in 1700, 

b. not a wide spread problem until Hg became widely used in the industrial revolution (1830) 

c. was not recognized in a medical sense until 150 years ago (1850): 

Mad Hatters disease of "Alice in Wonderland" (1889) Lewis Carroll 

2. 20th century recognition of acute disease 

a. Minimata Disease 1956: The classic disease of massive contaminated water from industrial pollution 

(1) blood cell binding: total anoxia (lack of oxygen) 

(2) encephalitis with massive neurological damage 

b. Grain fungicide exposures in Iraq (1956-72), and elsewhere including the U.S. 

3. Current recognition of chronic disease 

a. preponderance of exposures was overwhelmingly dental until 1996 

b. EPA study revealed toxicity of all fish: fresh and ocean 

V. Dental use of Mercury 

A. American experience: 

1. Elemental and methylmercury was widely recognized as toxic 

2. Amalgam, i.e. a mixture of metals 

a. started in Paris in 1820: 

b. Hg barred from dental use 

(1) rejected as it expanded and fractured the teeth. 

(2) widely appreciated to be toxic: from 1848 -1900. 

(3) ADA was formed to censure the use of mercury in dentistry 

(4) Original word "quack" came from "a user of quicksilver " 

3. Brothers Crawcour 

a. came to New York in 1833 with a "cheap filling" 

b. chased out: because dentist knew Hg was toxic (competition?) 

4. 1848, 11 dentists in N.Y. suspended from their society for using amalgam: 

reflected the common attitude 

5. Began to bill amalgams as "silver fillings" (cheap for common man) 

6. In 1910's said it was no longer toxic as it was "stabilized" 

meaning it wouldn't expand and crack teeth 

7. Toxicity was lost in the controversy during stress of WW I and WW II 

B. European experience: 

1. Current speculation: might not have had WW I WW II if not for mercury toxicity in the leaders and people 

2. Scientist studied themselves: German Alfred Stock recorded his own illness: 

Stage i. Fatigue. 

Diminished working capacity. 


Slight swelling of nasal mucous membranes. 

Stage ii. Extreme fatigue. 

Lack of concentration. 

Impaired memory for names, numbers, etc. 

Irritability and moodiness. 

Sensation of a sheer stupidity.. 

Nasal obstruction with dryness (stuffy nose). 

Nasal discharge, viscous, sticky sometimes bloody. 

Tinnitis. Hearing impairment. 

Headache, often frontal. 

Stomatitis, bleeding gums on brushing 

Irregular heart activity 

Sometimes diarrhea 

Frequent urination 

Slight tremor 

State iii. Headache 

Dizziness & vertigo 


Mental incapacity 

Despondency and depression 

Back pain 


Colitis and diarrhea 

Nasal catarrh with bloody crusts 

Loss of smell 


Bleeding gums 

Paradentosis and loose teeth 

Increased salivation 

Pharynigitis and laryngitis 

3. Swedes, the most instrumental in showing accumulative effects 

a. in 1950 recorded association with wildlife decline: 

not much concern for those matters then 

b. in 1981 (30 years later) started it over again 

c. reviewed all the old literature and history 

d. showed liquid mercury droplets on the amalgam surface after chewing 

g. corrosion chemist studied his own interaction with Hg and gold crowns 

h. oral galvanism of dissimilar metals: the electrical charge causes neurological problems 

i. correlated amount of Hg in the brain with amount of amalgams in mouth 

C. Comparisons : 

1. American have short memories for historical lessons 

2. Americans are more gullible: 

3. Americans have perhaps more neural storage of mercury 

VI. History in the Scientific Literature 

A. 1970 : Immune dysregulation (see Dysregulation Chart figure) 

B. 1981: Lauren: "the most Important depressive elements on the immune cells" 

in this order Hg++, CU++, Mn++, Co++. 

decreases lymphocyte transformation (part of function) 

while Ni and Pb, increase proliferation of the WBC 

C. 1985: HgCl2 and CH3HgCl decrease thymidine incorporation into DNA of lymph 

D. 1986: T cells autoreactor causes autoimmune disease 

E. 1988: Increases T cells and causes deficit in T suppresser levels: 

combining depressed immune system with increased freq. of infection and increase 

attack on self causing allergy and the spreading phenomenon of MCS 

F. 1991 Glomerulonephritis in rats: antibody to kidney produced in this disease 

remember acute hepatic necrosis 

G. 1991 WHO reported the acute toxic effects due to the Iraq grain events 

Most USA. data came from these studies: 

and at first they only looked at acute (sudden, overwhelming) 

H. Follow-up of the acute Murimata and Iraq cases taught that: 

1. If one survives the acute exposure, illness will ensue and become chronic 

2. and since it does not clear after time ACCUMULATION causes Chronic disease 

H. 1980 + Finns, Sweden banned use 


A. 1996 EPA of U.S.A. published Mercury Study Report to Congress VOL. I-8 stating: 

1. There is no safe level of mercury 

2. The fetus is the toxic dump for 

a. heavy metals 

b. excess in general, including "recreational drugs" 

2. No fish / seafood is safe. 

3. Hg is the second most toxic element on earth 

follows Plutonium (radioactive Bomb of WW II) 

4. Hg is worse than Lead: 

a. but mercury and lead are additive 

b. Lethal dose concept : LD50 , LD1 LD100 

LD50 dose to kill 50% of the study group 

LD1 dose to kill 1% of the study group 

LD1 Hg + LD 1 Pb = 100%. Highly synergistic 

B. EPA was asked about legislation to stop Hg use in the USA 

"Litigation, not legislation" was the answer: reading from Queen 

VII . How to determine your mercury load 

A. Hair: 

1. Depends on detoxication ability: sicker patients can not push it into the hair 

2. Is accurate, if one is able to excrete it (except for C. hair products) 

B. RBC: useful only for acute and recent exposures 

C. Whole blood : 

1. for acute exposure only 

2. cleared from the blood as fast and possible, in anyway possible 

D. Chelation challenge with DMPS 

1. Terms: 

a. 2.3-Dimercapto-1-Propane Sulfonic Acid, Na salt 

b. Dimival® from German Company -- Hyel : standard for 40 years 

c. Russian DMPS: 75 % pure 

2. Procedure: after history and physical exam (with notes to neuro findings) 

a. Obtain base-line minerals in urine and hair 

b. Get basic lab :SMAC with ferritin, Mg, lipids, CBC, T7 with TSH, UA 

c. Compute renal ability to excrete creatinine (% function of kidney) 

d. Give serial dilution dose of DMPS under the tongue to assay allergy 

e. Give supplements for two weeks 

f. Obtain UCG (pregnancy test) when appropriate 

g. Give 20 min DMPS IV: dose based on weight and kidney function 

h. Collect 24 hour urine for minerals excretion 

(1) Assess output of Hg 

(a) if over .5 ppb proceed with Hg removal treatment 

(b) If less than .5 ppb, and very sick 

(i) give amino acid + mineral IVs and oral supplements 

(ii) Detox liver, bowel, treat for yeast, etc. 

(iii) repeat the DMPS challenge in 2-3 weeks 

(c) Repeat the DMPS challenge and collect urine and measure 

VII. How to remove the mercury burden : treatment 

A. Repeat DMPS IV each 2-6 weeks, depending on fragility of person 

expected actual 

Cumulative Hg Urinary output curve with DMPS treatment 

B. Required supplementation: 

1. Se 200 micrograms/day (no Kelp unless analyzed for Hg first) 

Chlorella: southern algae (pond scum) with cracked shell 

(a). found to move Hg from cells into fluids 

(b). dose 3-4 x daily, to tolerance 

(c). double usual dose on day of Hg removal & DMPS IV 

2. Vit E , mixed tocophorals, 400-800/day 

3. Vit C 

4. Cystine 

Cysteine (as in n-acetylcysteine) may move it around, but not out 

5. Glutathione : 300-600 mg/day div. dose 

a. binds with methylmercury 

b. excreted as Hg mercapturic acid in the urine 

c. not to be used in diabetics who are insulin dependent 

6. Garlic: ratio of 1:1 with Chlorella 

7. These minerals if low on any analysis 

a. Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, Mg, Na, Fe, etc. 

b. Note: there is a constant Mg deficit when Hg is present. 

c. No amount of oral and IV will make up for the drain. 

d. One can not detox with a low sodium (na) 

e. Hg displaces Zn, Cu, 

f. inhibits Fe absorption 

g. no colloidal minerals (Pchem size to great for absorption) 

8. Herbals: Liver detox: Silymarin and immune support, ecchinacea 

9. Vitamins, especially Bs 

10. EFA, Omega 3 & 6 (essential for membrane maintenance, cell walls) 

If fish oil is used, it needs a negative assay for Hg 

11. Eat only organic foods : see attachment: 

12. Use Cilantro in abundance 

13. High protein diet (Atkins, Sears) 

14. Hypericum, as needed 

15. Repeat the lab evaluations at least each 3 months of treatment 

16. Treat until urine recovery is below .5 ppb 

a. average need for DMPS is 17-30 + injections 

b. incomplete treatment is as bad as no treatment 

VIII. Possible ill effects: 

A. Rash: denotes mercury in the skin, binding with the DMPS 

Treatment: B12 IM , 1-2 cc q 2-3 hours through 24 hours, or until it stops. 

B. Wipe out : headaches, fatigue: denotes mercury moving and causing symptoms 

Treatment: GSH (reduced glutathiones) 25/mg/kg, one dose 

C. Rebound reaction: feels good for several days, then feels bad again: 

1. Due to recompartmentalization. 

2. Will stop after enough is removed. 

D. If one has allergies and neurologic symptoms as detox proceeds, 

it could flare and then improve (i.e. the reverse of the above # C) 

E. The T-cell count will improve as one goes through treatment: esp. noted in CFIDS 

IX. The FDA protocol is different in that it : 

A. Involves much more extensive use of the lab: see the attachment 

B. Requires proof that mercury 

1. is not being excreted before the DMPS is given 

2. is excreted after the DMPS is given 

3. that DMPS provides improved objective parameters of improvement 

X. Summary 

A. Mercury is not meant to be in the human body: causes gross malfunctions 

B. Mercury may be one of the primal root causes of 

1. many of our classical old diseases 

heart disease, neuroses, psychoses, cancer, gum disease with tooth loss, 

thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, etc. 

2. most of out "new" 20th Century Diseases: 

Allergies, Chronic fatigue and CFIDS, Chronic Candidiasis, Leaky bowel syndrome, 

Fibromyalgia, food allergies, MCS, anxiety and panic attacks, etc. 

C. Mercury must be removed before the above diseases can be successfully approached or resolved 

D. DMPS has a 40 year record of safety and efficacy in removal of mercury 

E. It should be available to any competent doctor to use for those who need it 

F. The FDA protocol is expensive, as it needs to be, in order to prove efficacy and safety 

G. If one can not afford the FDA protocol 

1. he/she may seek safe treatment without the extensive lab 

2. he/she understands that the risk is future non-availability of the product 

H. If one seeks treatment, they should be willing to sign a release stating that: 

1. they judge themselves to have symptoms compatible with mercury toxicity 

2. they have been informed of the need for mercury removal and 

3. they understand the differences in the FDA protocol and the abbreviated protocol 

4. they are willing to undertake the abbreviated protocol 

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