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Re: Zapping produced too much die off, advice please.
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Published: 14 y
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Re: Zapping produced too much die off, advice please.

Thank you for your advice Mendamaid.......I did infact purchase the very Zapper you supplied the link to.

I shall reduce the length of time I zap for considerably until I can tolerate more. I was doing 3x10 mins but with 20 mins rest between each does. I find I am having to drink lots and lots of water to flush out toxins. And I am indeed taking both a Liver and lymph tone to support the continuos de-toxing I am going thru. Plus of course the milk thistle.

Everyone has their own peculiarities and I have to keep my electrolytes up. If I do not, I get bad cramps in foot and legs, and rather worrying muscle twitching and tremors.We have spoken on my tendancy to suffer Neuropathy before. I am having these again with the zapping.

Hulda Clark e says that you should not feel the Zapping....apart from an odd tingle. For some reason it is far more extreme for me. I can feel it like liitle electric shocks that start in my wrist, work to my fingers and then out to the rest of the body. I feel the little shocks from my feet up to my head and face.

For some reason I am more sensitive! I do not want to sound like a crackpot but I do have electro sensitivity issues. If I get emotional I can totally zap my mobile phone, PC etc.

I just hope if I can feel the zapping so strongly, the little mites do to!


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