Hey there, I can relate to what you're going through!!!
Hey dude,
Ryan Annunziello here. People on Curezone, know me as Surfer27. Um yeah, I can relate to you on so many fronts, about the obnoxious
Body Odor s. Mine smells like feces and I've had it, since January 2006. It's been going on for 5 yrs now and like you, my folks, doctor and friends all say, they cannot smell anything, which is complete BS!!!! Yeah, no amount of bathing, showering, or cleanses is getting rid of my problem, so I do not know what to do!! I like you, only go to work if I have to and then I come right back home and stay inside! It's not that I want to, it's just that this fecal body odour from my anal area, causes me to stay inside, as once I'm outdoors, the odour intensifies!! It increases even more so, when I'm out in the sun and the heat gets really warm! When I am outside in the sun and it's +30 degrees celcius, my fecal body odour, turns out to smell like a diaherria body odour, which is even worse! lol. Anyways, just wanted to email you, because I understand your pain, frustration and humiliation!!! If ever, you wanna chat, feel free to email me, at: rannunziello27@live.ca. Of if you'd prefer, you can always call me, at: 289-813-1018, to discuss ways of getting through this challenging condition! Alright dude, I hope to hear from ya and I'll talk to you later. God bless. Bye for now.