my whole life i've dealt with Body Odor on some level,my hell started at the age of 11 years old.i realized that i smelled really bad and really strong for my age but because i was embarassed i never brought it to the attention of my parents and other close family members who could've possibly helped me figure out what was wrong with me im 33 years of age and im leading the life of a hermit,i go to work and back home thats it, i dont go anywhere else because not only do i get the constant complaint that i smell like garbage or shit after a long day of work but right after a long shower i come out the house to people holding their noses and giving me the evil eye and whispering dammmm he smells strong,it could be the soap i used,my body lotion or the worst of them all any cologne i use my body chemistry amplifies the smell 100 times like i can literally clear out a train car.women wont speak to me so no love life,i have no friends and i even catch my family members holding their noses in disgust around me but when asked that hard to answer question of hey do i smell they say what the doctors say its all in your mind cuz i dont smell anything.sorry for rambling but does anyone have a similar problem as me as far as them smelling very strong. it possibly internal or a topical(skin problem) should i seek out a dermatologist or keep trying these internal doctors till i find one who doesnt lie about smelling me.