oh, the transparency of typos! you say you "revile" - for revel (I assume). There's the split mind, in all its glory!
I note I wrote "swaing" when I meant sawing - for "see-sawing". Ah well, I always liked the swing better. It's a solitary thing, maybe. In this case, the self dissolves easier when it's not being activated in another. The solitary person may even be the well-rounded person, nothing missing, and no one excluded. It's just sort of like Vidda says: when she fasts, she's not looking for company or motivation.
BTW, you may join me or not on my spring fast. I may not post when I start, and likely won't until I am well into it, so it won't be much company for you, I'm afraid. I do my supporting of others when not in retreat mode.
Of course anyone Water Fasting has all my best wishes!