Some might want to ignore my post, and go straight to the recommended reading! :-)
"water only, according to thirst", is the dictum of the fasting masters- and many people go through periods of very little water, while on a water fast. This might be all very well, when on an extended water-only fast. (Aside: I keep feeling the need to repeat the "water-only" part, since I keep reading someone reporting on having 'low-cal' drinks and/or tea on the water fast, while asserting that it doesn't make any difference. It does! It may not shift ketosis to glucose-burning, but it does plenty more, and alters the water fast to a starvation diet. The water fast was not intended to be a 'diet' that a person falls off and then gets back on. It is a self-contained process with its own inherent wisdom and mastery, as long as a person will get out of the way. End-aside.)
When not water fasting, it's all too easy to get dehydrated, and we should remember that many drinks will put a person into water-deficit: low-calorie drinks, sodas, and the use of artificial sweeteners and flavourings are big culprits, as is coffee, some teas and alcohol. For a lot of people who view the water fast mainly from a perspective of weight(loss), and who think of food in terms of calories,(and exercise in terms of 'calories burnt), the idea that drinking something, anything, could actually be worse than drinking nothing, will perhaps fall on deaf ears.
The sad fact is, a LOT of people are in chronic states of dehydration for years, if not decades! (amazing, that the body survives this at all--but a body -being energy, after all- is a miracle of sorts. Give it goodness and it will reverse all manner of abuse.) When you consider masses of people ONLY drink sodas, and complain that water has no 'flavour', you can only wonder at the perfection of a biological system that will do whatever it can to adapt to this self-imposed drought.
It is drought. And here in "the west", in so called civilized countries, this is apalling.
Anyway, enough rant. The bottom line is--water IS life. This (link)looked like it might inspire some people who are fasting, or pondering water fasting and its mysteries of healing. Also of interest-->Look at all the so-called diseases listed...
And remember, if you feel the effects of "heartburn", on the water fast-- it might well be a sign to drink more water. As always, it's better to sip it, rather than gulp down a lot, at one time.
As for the 'electrolyte' issue, (the concern with adding "sodium" and " potassium", this idea will not concern the person who understands (has studied the literature) the water fast--The body is quite capable of managing its own resources, on a water fast. Esp.if it's not assaulted and insulted with superficial concepts of pushing a little more, to get faster/bigger/more "results".
all best to everyone