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Re: Dr. Masaru Emoto
fastingforlife Views: 1,759
Published: 14 y
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Re: Dr. Masaru Emoto

Haha yeah, it can be as simple or as technical as you choose to make it. It's interesting to note that the water responds to blessings, thoughts, music, vibration and intentions in much the same way as electrons do in quantum physics experiments - you cannot separate the observer from the experiment ie. the outcome depends on your expectations or intentions (ref: Heisenberg uncertainty principle), so ultimately the result lies in your hands. We have a lot more power to change the material world than the illusion would have us believe.

There's also someone out there that does some cool stuff with sand on glass panels and makes patterns using different vibrations - the more harmonious the frequencies, the more beautiful they become. Discordant vibrations create an ugly mess.


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