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Do you Have Hashimotos?
WannaSeeWorms Views: 6,518
Published: 14 y
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Do you Have Hashimotos?

From what i understand:
People with hashimoto's (thyroid antibodies) tend not to tolerate: Iodine (I made myself a lot worse the year I kept trying to take iodine), kelp, NATURAL thyroid meds (which is seen as too similar and therefore just causes the body to have more stuff to attack).....
Taking naturthroid made my heart beat like crazy etc etc.
My antibodies went down by 50% after 42 days gluten free.
Maybe you just had a bad reaction or maybe you are an allergic type, but if you have hashimotos, that's a big flag.
For me the crazy anxiety has always been about ammonia and finding out about l-ornithine for calming down (and finally sleeping after 3 years) is one of the best things that happened to me here at CZ in 2008, aside from having my life saved. Cheers.


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