Re: Gupta Amagdala retraining?
I think I would be in , lets look a bit more into it, !
I also think retraining the brain is very important , 3 years ago After doing 6 months of acutane (I did not know I had me/cfs/af etc yet but I was still in pretty bad shape . I started doing a yoga dvd (yoga for stress relief, a very nice dvd by the way) for 2 hours everyday. I slowly started to recover I was very very focus . In two weeks I restarted doing jogging every other day. I sarted to look very healthy , my face was getting color back I could feel blood flowing into my brain.
I was basically 80-90% better. My mom could not believe her eyes when she came back from vacation how good I looked , My skin, the sparkle in my eye it was amazing.
Slowly I restarted going out with friends late at night , had a few cigarettes , start having a few drink and boom back to scare one.
The positive thiing that came out of this is that I know It is possible to get better and next time something like that happen I know not too push myself. I pushed for so many years not knowing what was wrong with me.
anyways gupta is something I would like to look into.
take care