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Re: Day 7

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Mighty.Sun.Tzu Views: 1,337
Published: 14 y
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Re: Day 7

That is very low blood pressure there guy! So you are telling me that you had no symptoms of fainting feeling or dizzyness when walking around with blood pressure that low?
Find that hard to believe if you say none or you just sit around the house on these fasts and don't go out and about?

No no no :). I'm not saying that at all. I was definately light headed and needed to be careful every time i got up... and once i was up and walking i sometimes had to rest or sit because i would become light headed again. I wasn't sitting throughout this fast, i was laying. I was definately most comfortable in a horizontal position and the preponderance of my time was spent in this manner. Also, laying for 23 hours per day certainly contributed to the very low bp as getting up and walking around will always increase it.

If person is experiencing bad dizzyness /fainting feelings when walking around from low BP and not just from getting up quick then to me seems person should immediately drink juice with salt like I did last fast or take some salt pills to get the sodium up and ditto on potassium if they start getting muscle cramping take some potassium pills or juice with potassium or break the fast with food slowly of course on re feed from a long fast.

I couldn't disagree with you more. The highly intelligent body knows what it is doing as it fasts and it really does not need us to micro manage it.

Passing out when out and about is not something to take lightly.It could be fatal just like slip and fall know one young guy that dies from slipping and falling on ice.Same can happen when you pass out and hit head.

Do we need to be ever aware of the light headedness and account for it, paying careful attention to when we need to sit or lay down? Absolutely! I have done a fair amount of fasting and have experienced a fair amount of light headedness, but have never once passed out. It's like using a power saw. I've done a fair amount of cutting but still retain full possession of all my limbs. We have to be aware of the risks and proceed with the necessary caution.

But do blame my excessive water drinking first fast for causing rapid depletion of my sodium and potassium. Had no blood pressure monitor that fast do have one now. So far its been like 119/75 the other day and yesterday was higher like 131/85 or something not sure why but it can vary some for various reasons.

Before assuming that your blood pressure can only become low through excessive water drinking, consider that mine became low and i was drinking only to thirst, so this can and does happen. My body eliminated a lot of sodium (and the water which accompanies it) with no help whatsoever from excessive water intake.

So far had little dizzyness /fainting feelings when getting up and none when walking around. But drinking like many suggest on here only when thirsty.So far so good.
I like to keep open mind on these things.

Your bp is still in no way low so such symptoms would not be expected. Will be interesting to see how this develops.

It's kind of exciting to see you drinking only to thirst... a highly unexpected development from a couple months ago :). You indeed kept an open mind in this area.



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