I have been doing daily CE's and castor oil packs on my liver for the last 2 weeks. I also started Liver Flushing a few days ago.
My routine is wake up put on the Castor Oil pack and take my parasite herbs and after 30 mins I do the Liver Flush drink (about 3 lemons and topped up with OO (Olive-Oil) to about 350ml) I leave the pack on until late afternoon when I do my CE. My question is is it okay to keep going like this for some time without harm? I imagine the Coffee-Enema and castor oil packs are fine but what about the LF? I dont have any liver pain at all and listening with the stethoscope I am definately making good progress also my nausea from the flush is much less today than it has been so im guessing that Im getting out a lot of junk. Also dont have any kidney pain and I am eliminating pretty well.