Re: Yeast infections and Boric Acid Question?
How much diflocan were you taking? You may have not taken enough, meaning every day, 200 mgs. Diflo did nothing for me at first, but i had to up my dosage to daily for a few months, monitering my liver enzymes as well. Have you had a culture? If the yeast grew on a culture when you were taking diflocan, it means you are NOT resistant. If it grows on a culture, you are still sensitive. Get a culture done with sensitivity. Then they can see what will work and what won't. I was never that lucky, because my yeast would never grow on a culture.
diflocan reaches that area, wherease I don't think the Nizoral reaches the area as well. Nizoral, less resistant I've heard, but not as good for vaginal area.
Boric Acid, I have done those, accute: 2 times a day, one at bedtime, one in the morning. Wear a pad.