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Re: Day 3 of 7-day water fast

9 Day Fasting Program
Complete with herbs and clay to eliminate hunger and cleansing r...

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: Day 3 of 7-day water fast

If you truly feel you are overweight at 120 pounds and 5ft 8 give your head a shake you are ANOREXIC! Sorry but true.
At least you are doing short fast like week not one of these people that think God is telling them to go 40 days or something crazy.
You have no fat stores bet are already way under essential bodyfat for women which is higher than for me. Wouldn't be suprised if you periods are all messed up as well or if are even not having them at all. At 5ft 8 would think you should be weighing 150ish. Wife is 5ft 6 and starts to look thin as heck at 140.
You are so tired because as said you have no fat stores really to burn so your body has to eat muscle and other more important things. Still no harm is likely to be done on 7 day fast or even maybe bit longer but for you 7 day fasts likely best. Would think you will drop maybe 5 pounds or so water weight on 7 days some drop more it varies.I seem to drop about 10 on 40 day fast.Would think total weight drop including water would be like 12 or so pounds for you maybe bit more if you hold much water.

You will of course gain that water back pretty much instantly on refeed from salt and carbs.

You are likely losing half pound of actual weight or so a day. While you might get some energy back after week wouldn't recommend you go that long.
Would recommend if you want you could switch to juice for few days after the water if you are only doing water now.
Like 3 days then back to solid food and for goodness sake eat more and get up to 140 ish and then check your bodyfat,do some exercise and see where you sit.

You can do occasional fasting for help for week or so maybe bit longer if you are up there to 140 or 150. Not saying fasting can't have benefits,seeing a few from my own experiences. Or intermittent fasting like having eating window say 3 to 8 or doing something like eat stop eat intermittent 24 hour fasting say once a week or warrior type diet eating mostly once a day but really you have opposite problem to many people. You need to gain not lose weight.

And not meaning to come down so hard on you but think someone should set you straight. Anorexia and fasting can be the same road for thin people. And many people especially girls think they are fat when they are actually very thin. And most guys don't like sticks for girlfriends.
My x wife was anorexic. Is anorexic.5ft zero and at lowest maybe now was like 80 pounds. And she was drinking diet drinks all the time and eating salad for lunch and dinner and working out like 7 days a week. Horrible. When I was married to her would have given her head a shake if she tried to do that stuff. She should weight at least 100 pounds maybe even 110. You are 8 inches taller!Test your bodyfat bet its way way under essential already.


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