Probable bowel blockage, what should be my course of action?
I have had wierd digestive complaints for quite some time, but was still able to pass stool. I wrote it off as my weight and eating habits. But after the 2nd time in a year not being able to go much at all, I discovered a blockage. I have already
Tonight I had a sudden urge for diarrhea. I passed this, but I could actually feel it going around something. Then, if I pushed I could feel feces in the middle trying to move but stuck. For the past year or so it's taken me twice as much as effort compared to normal to produce a normal bowel movement. This sure explains it.
I have tried magnesium citrate, glycerin suppositories, etc...
I am able to pass small, narrow stools, but not much else.
What should be my immediate course of action? I almost did a saline enema, but the box read not to use for a blockage. i have read that lactulose will slowly liquefy stools. I'm not sure how large (diameter) the blockage is, but I would assume fairly large. It has apparently pushed right to the end of my intestines with all of the laxatives I've been taking. Please help!