Re: Please, Please help me identify this parasite
It could be so many things. If it's microscopic, there is really no way to tell what kind of larvae it is. Don't get obsessed with the microscope. Some microscopic stuff is normal in your urine, and you may be worrying about nothing.
I've seen this happen, and it's always sad. You start out with a real problem, and in the course of trying to cure it, you really do become delusional, seeing
parasites everywhere.
I almost went that way, then decided to focus in on what was really there. I don't have a microscope, because seriously, I don't know what I'm looking at under it, and neither do you. It only makes us more paranoid and upset. Put the microscope away and treat what you can see.
There are literally MILLIONS of harmless and helpful microbes in the human body. If you don't know what you are looking at, anything can look like a monster.