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Re: Levels of radioactive materials are skyrocketing in the sea
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,358
Published: 14 y
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Re: Levels of radioactive materials are skyrocketing in the sea

Kind of like what happened with those poor, brave suicide workers at the nuke plants.  The radiation levels were too high for even very brief exposure, so the solution was that they raised the allowable exposure levels.

All those idiot mainstream tools who are saying that radiation levels are safe and even in some instances pointing out that it is beneficial are lying baskerds.  We aren't talking about natural background radiation here, we are talking about man-made unnatural radiation - and we know what happens when man screws with nature.  As you know, radiation and other unhealthy toxins and such are cumulative.  NO AMOUNT of added radiation or toxins are safe in our increasingly irradiated and toxic world.  At some point, you reach the grain of sand that broke the proverbial camel's back and our bodies go TILT.  I would say that we have already passed that point for many of us.

Well, now we have succeeded in poisoning the seafood in the Gulf and it looks like we are doing the same in the waters near Japan.  And what is it that the government wants to do to make our produce safe?  Nuke it.  This shite makes me want to go out and buy a new tinfoil hat.  Hmm, given the radiation maybe I should make that a lead hat.  In the meanwhile, keep the nutrient dense foods coming, take a bit of daily SSKI and Magnascent, add a few sea veg caps alternating with the green superfoods powder, and keep on keeping on - and awaiting delivery of my back-ordered Omega 3 VRT350 HD juicer  . . .



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