Kind of like what happened with those poor, brave suicide workers at the nuke plants. The radiation levels were too high for even very brief exposure, so the solution was that they raised the allowable exposure levels.
All those idiot mainstream tools who are saying that radiation levels are safe and even in some instances pointing out that it is beneficial are lying baskerds. We aren't talking about natural background radiation here, we are talking about man-made unnatural radiation - and we know what happens when man screws with nature. As you know, radiation and other unhealthy toxins and such are cumulative. NO AMOUNT of added radiation or toxins are safe in our increasingly irradiated and toxic world. At some point, you reach the grain of sand that broke the proverbial camel's back and our bodies go TILT. I would say that we have already passed that point for many of us.
Well, now we have succeeded in poisoning the seafood in the Gulf and it looks like we are doing the same in the waters near Japan. And what is it that the government wants to do to make our produce safe? Nuke it. This shite makes me want to go out and buy a new tinfoil hat. Hmm, given the radiation maybe I should make that a lead hat. In the meanwhile, keep the nutrient dense foods coming, take a bit of daily SSKI and Magnascent, add a few sea veg caps alternating with the green superfoods powder, and keep on keeping on - and awaiting delivery of my back-ordered Omega 3 VRT350 HD juicer . . .
Yes, it is truly sickening - but what can one do other than take care or you and yours and try to spread the good word?
Barring something truly cataclysmic, and I don't bar that, I don't see humankind blinking out overnight. I see more of a continued decline which will likely be harder and harder to reverse where we become less and less viable as a species. More and more chronic illness, lowered immunity and lowered reproduction capabilities with each generation less viable than the one before . . . it is a treachorous path to doom, whether it happens in the short or long run.
We have this false sense of invincibility and the belief that science will somehow save the day. Yet we have been around but a blink of the eyd compared to the dinosaurs that ruled for millions of years - and science has largely been the problem, not the solution.
In our blind arrogance we are also dooming much of the rest of the life on earth. Hopefully enough of us can take care of ourselves and our offprings and someday we will wake up and do what we can to reverse and clean up what damage we can.
If not, bad news for all but perhaps the cockroaches .
Certainly what we are doing to our environment and food are unprecedented. Likewise, the global capacity of those who would control and doom us has never been greater. Thus the creedence given the prophecies of doom up us.
On the other hand, I have been thinking lots recently about all the issues of how corrupt and cruel man has been, or some men at any rate, both today and in times past. Wars, torture, brutality, conspiracies, prostitution and other forced slavery, callousness, and on and on have always been our tradmarks. And there has never been a lack of doomsday prophecies throughout recorded history, which is not to say that the world today is at a critical point today, but perhaps suggest that our troubles and times are not as uniquely bad as some would have it in some respects.
Any student of history, or even someone who has watched a lot of the History channel and such, can tell you that mankind has always been marked by evil deeds and in some instances more so than today. We are far from perfect, easily corruptible and subject to sins of greed and lust, and always have been. Signs are that we may be actually improving and becoming less imperfect and headed towards a greater enlightenment - perhaps even aided by a growing awareness of what we have done to our environment and foods and the evils of unnatural mainstream meds and our tranquilized sedentary lifestyle.
I would like to think so. Now, if only we don't go too far past the tipping point and poison most of ourselves off the planet first . . . as I said, the best plan imo is to do what we can to spread the word and take care or ourselves and our offsprings so that we have the best chance of being around with the darned cockroaches in the future.