14 y
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Dr Baily update from joyce (UK)
Good evening all, Thats me coming up to 2 weeks into my third cleanse.
Thought id got tapeworm head last time but im not too sure.
I have bad backache and bowel cramps at moment with slight grumblings, think its the tapeworm hanging on again but lower down in bowel.Feels like its struggling again.
Im on extra strength this time and still have a few weeks left so hopefuly this time it will be zapped. I had a few tapeworm skins in my stools today so humaworm still doing its job.
Have been getting quite a few hot flushes due to the toxins but nothing i cant handle. The huma tea as usual has kept my die off under control.
I am on 12oz total per day and could probably tolerate more hense the flushings. I didnt take the tea with the in between herbs as at that high dose it would be too expensive to take so take only when on humaworm.
Why after so long can i still tolerate such a high dose?
I have my life back,havent got that terrible gut pain,my food alergies have gone, have gained the three stones i lost, Sleep all night again, have no dark shadows under my eyes anymore, my fungal infection on my toe nails have gone, dont grind my teeth anymore .