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Re: + a good recipe you can eat (that is VERY yummy :) Re: juicing + superfood cause CNS reaction?
unyquity Views: 1,262
Published: 14 y
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Re: + a good recipe you can eat (that is VERY yummy :) Re: juicing + superfood cause CNS reaction?

Okay then, let's keep an eye on it and see if there's any particular food reactions you need to 'rule out'.

So, you say you've had this TWO times now "right after a dose"...I have read of people having similar issues 'right after dosing' - and that may or may not be a consistent thing. (I know that's super frustrating, but it is the case sometimes). With benzos, everything is SO dependent on that plasma level, and your blood level today is totally dependent upon what you took 5-7 days ago...and how fast your liver processed it out. And of course, any time we sense anything that alarms us, we "tense up", and that can make whatever it is a million times worse.

There's no reason we can't start treating it like a slight heart issue (but let's not "100% believe" that it is, until we give it a bit more time on the stabilization, ok?).

Start taking the Hawthorn tincture every day...2-4 droppersful (as much as you can get into the dropper is a 'dropperful', even though you can't get it full), and take that 3x daily. Most people don't feel an immediate effect from Hawthorn, but a few do.

Also take the Cayenne tincture 3x daily (just 2 droppersful of that). You can mix either of them with water or juice (or kefir, if you want to ruin your kefir, lol)

Anytime you feel the tiniest smidgeon of it starting, then immediately take a dropperful or two of cayenne.

Cayenne WILL stabilize heart rhythms and blood flow throughout the heart. AND Cayenne is very effective at relieving certain kinds of anxiety.

I can tell from your posts that you're well on your way to being stabilized enough to try a cut. I applaud your diligence and effort (and I know it was not easy to make the decision you made about the colonoscopy). You did really good with that; it was clear to me that you were able to read, comprehend and process the information, too (and it wasn't that long ago it would have been "too much" for you).

I like your timeline - keep up the good work!





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