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Image Embedded + a good recipe you can eat (that is VERY yummy :) Re: juicing + superfood cause CNS reaction?
unyquity Views: 1,229
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+ a good recipe you can eat (that is VERY yummy :) Re: juicing + superfood cause CNS reaction?

Howdy jboy!

From above: >>> Im having that weird sensation of something bubbling or pressure moving around my heart. also getting electric sensations in body an my mind is racing like I just drank 10 cups of coffee an my chest is hurting lil stabbing pains around heart area:....this has happened before once an I felt the pressure build up an release in my heart....also having trouble breathing verything is gettin weird again I dint like it. I haven't changed anything except adding more superfood to and juicing more. I'm getting that manic wanting to run scream cry an laugh feeling an I can't relax like insomnia it's drivin me nuts. I even jus took my Valium. <<<

Yes, I do recall it happening at least once before (I recall that was a time you went to the ER, but there might have been another).  The fact that you had this same feeling before when your benzo's were unbalanced coupled with the fact that you "just took your Valium"...likely means the last dose of Valium was wearing off and you were starting to experience 'interdose withdrawals' again.  OR it's actually possible that you'd experience this temporarily every time you took a dose...but since you haven't reported that so far, it's likely that your plasma level was running low. 

How long did it take for it to go away after you took the Valium?

It would be very difficult to trigger a mineral imbalance (particularly a potassium overload) that would be severe enough to cause those symptoms, from a few juices, brown rice and almond butter...even if you were taking 6T of Superfood and 4T of bee pollen everyday.  Superfood and Bee Pollen are incredibly "well balanced", and although carrot juice is strong in potassium, it's not so rich in potassium that a few glasses would cause such an extreme reaction.

You've had that reaction before when you were 'low on benzos', and knowing that you'd just taken a Valium, means that you were likely getting low again. 

-->> If this happens again, please take 2 droppersful of Cayenne tincture, or whatever dosage of powder (mixed with water or juice) that you're acclimated to.  If you don't have either, you really need to get some on the way. 

-->>What is your current daily dosage of Valium?  Are you taking it twice daily, or only once daily?

This (below) is AWESOME!!!

>>> I been doing allright my days have steadily been gettin better an I'm able to cook for myself an shop now. today is the only setback. I eat brown rice, juice, almond butter. that's about it....I cut back on the if1 cause I was having diareah all the time. so maybe now I'm low on minerals, maybe magnesium can calm this?<<<

You are absolutely correct!  If you're having diarrhea, you should definitely cut back on the IF#1.  GOOD CHOICE!! 

That you've been 'steadily getting better' and are able to cook for yourself AND go out and shop?  FAN-ROCKIN-TASTIC!!!  I remember some days when you couldn't get off the couch (typical when switching to Valium)...and a LOT of days when 'going out' would have been totally impossible.  You are getting stabilized, and that means you've been doing good with you Valium dosing.

I've got a couple of suggestions.  Since you're likely getting closer to starting the IF#2 (which will be a dose cut), then it's VERY important you start building up a "nutritional stash-storehouse".  Your body is going to be needing all the nutrition you can 'get in' every day AND you want to have a big stash besides.  One of the best things you can do is make a yummy 'veggie broth'.  Throw in all the pulp from whatever you're juicing, add onions, garlic (lots), a bit of cayenne, maybe some dried seaweed (if you have any around and like it) and any chopped vegetables that you're okay with...and since you're not juice-fasting, add a bit of olive oil (or whatever healthy oil your body likes).  Let that cook for at least a few hours, strain out most of the veggies...and have as much as you'd like, whenever you feel like having some.  (And of course, don't forget the Superfood and Bee Pollen)

Also, I bet that brown rice is getting REALLY boring.  You know what would be awesome to have to mix in it?  Cheese sauce.  And I know a recipe for 'fake' cheese sauce that doesn't taste fake at all!  (I'm serious, it's really good...I fake out people all the time with it!).  Here's the recipe:

Here's my customization of the 'internet recipe' for (VERY yummy!) "cheese sauce" made from nutritional yeast.  You can get the nutritional yeast in bulk here (only a little over $6 a pound if you get 5 pounds, but you can get just one pound) :

    • 1/2 - 3/4 cup nutritional yeast
    • 1/4 cup cornstarch (try to get organic, typical cornstarch is gm)
    • 2 Tbsp. healthy flour (make sure it's gluten-free grain/flour if you're sensitive...or substitute cornstarch instead)
    • 1 tsp. healthy salt (or not)
    • 1/2 tsp. garlic/onion powder (totally optional, I don't use them)
    • 1 tsp paprika (optional, but mixes with the yellow yeast to make the perfect 'cheese' color!!! I use more)
    • 2 cups water (or non-dairy milk of any type - water is fine)
    • 1 tsp. mustard powder (or regular mustard)
    • 1/2 cup healthy oil (I use safflower)

Put all dry ingredients in a saucepan, mix thoroughly, get a whisk, turn on the heat, add the oil & water (or milk) and start whisking.  Keep whisking until it thickens (add chili powder for awesome 'nacho cheese'!!)
.  This can easily be "too thick" if not mixed into something immediately (and gets even thicker as it cools), so don't hesitate to add more fluid

YUMMMMMY!  Rice, steamed veggies n' CHEESE SAUCE?  What a total treat!  And I'd bet you could mix some into your veggie broth, for 'creamy cheesy broth/soup'.   Your taste-buddies will love you, for sure

It sounds to me like you're well on your way to getting to 'stabilized', but you don't want to be having any 'interdose withdrawal symptoms' before you start cutting your dose.   Learning to identify these symtoms is tough (I know), but when you experiencing symptoms that are 'on the list' and it's things you've experienced before when you were more imbalanced, you're going to have to "hang tight" and recognize it for what it is...and not keep looking for other answers and/or thinking it's something else.  The reason that's SO important is that everytime you 'make a cut in dose', you are likely to experience symptoms of some kind or another for a few days...if you recognize them for what they are, then you'll be able to 'grit your teeth', 'tighten your grip' and get through it...with lots of EFT and the solid knowledge that what you're experiencing is NOT "you", it's the friggin' side effects of 'benzo hell'.   But if you don't recognize the w/ds (withdrawal symptoms) for what they are - you'll likely go "looney tunes", totally stress yourself out and forget all about the EFT...and that kind of stress & anxiety will only make things worse.

You ARE going to make it through this - the more of a "nutritional stash" you build, the easier it's gonna be. 

You're a rock, jboy...don't let the drugs convince you of anything else!







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