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Re: TO Rx Guru
RxGuru09 Views: 2,520
Published: 14 y
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Re: TO Rx Guru

You are evidently ignorant *as in unaware* of the fact that the pharma companies created the meds for animals first and only secondarily did they become available for people...same drugs...the very same difference in the standards of production etc.

Of course i'm aware that animal testing is done on these drugs before they move on to humans.

What I disagree with is the standards of production. Let's see, there are two people working in a factory, one is producing drugs that are going to go to Fido, and the other is producing drugs that are going to go to grandma. Which person is going to be a bit more careful? Which person is going to make sure ever single attention to detail has been paid? Which person is going to follow every single safety and manufacturing procedure to the letter? Which person is not gonna fall asleep on the job! After all, if Fido falls over dead it's not going to make headline news.

I would leery of unknown sources of Ivermectin for "humans" etc. than I would tried and true meds from Pfizer that are made for "animals". Do you remember that humans ARE animals?

I don't sell Ivermectin yet.

Are you really going to use that argument? Humans are animals? Yes, of course they are. If you're so comfortable with taking medications manufactured for animals, why don't you eat the food that's manufactured for them too. It's just as good as the food manufactured for humans. :)~

For heaven's sake stop writing to me...I am supposed to be going away tomorrow...after 2 decades of being totally bedridden except for an occasional time when I was able to rally and do some nursing shifts...I have lately been able to function and have been out and active including doing stairs in the Dr's office bldg. instead of taking the elevator...and one point I was in a wheelchair and for years had to use a cane...

I'm sorry to hear about your health related issues. I don't think anyone deserves the pain and suffering of being sick.

I'll stop responding to your posts when you stop making them. :)

Who do I thank? Both veterinarian meds from the U.S. and Canada and human meds for Thailand...You take what you can get where you can get get the desired end result. AND I thank all the people on this forum, including ICU for being here through my journey. I may not agree with everyone and if I think something is wrong I will say so. I have also spent a year and a half posting reams of info and my experiences as well.

Exactly! That's what I've been saying all along. People can take animal meds made in America, or they can take human meds made in Thailand. I'm only giving people a choice! The only thing it's about is the END result. So if people are finding success with animal meds then by all means continue taking them. But if people are not having success, or they just don't feel comfortable taking medications that have been manufactured for fluffy, then they now have the option to take human meds.

I'm sure people appreciate all the info you have posted. I do at least. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to post information as long as it's in the realm of helpful. And I also appreciate anyone who posts their experiences in the hope others might learn from it, as long as it's a real experience and not the made up ramblings of a 13 year old who's bored.

So whatever you think of me, I still appreciate your effort to make these forums educational, interactive, and safe.



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