Re: Question about test for thyroid sufficiency
Thanks for the links Cougar. I don't know if you were directing your questions to the original poster or myself, but my husband has never had a cavity and therefore has never had a filling of any kid. He has been vaccinated in the past and also is in the U.S. Air Force and so no doubt has been exposed to heavy metals via his occupation. To deal with metals that we both have we use the
Far Infrared Sauna daily, use zeolites, selenium, Vitamin C, chlorella, MSM, green juices, lots of sea veggies in our cooking, coffee enemas, and we eat 100% organic meats and veggies. We also distill our own well water for drinking. I am probably forgetting a couple of other things that we do but needless to say we are doing all that we can to get our bodies as clean and strong as possible. I have just gotten back on
Iodine after an extended break and have my little boys on it as well, I am just hesitant to start my husband on it with him having this huge nodule and not knowing his
Iodine status. Any wrong move and the military might take action to remove his entire thyroid gland and the nodule "just to be safe" and then shortly thereafter they will discharge him as well because of his "worsening" medical condition...this is how they operate unfortunately