Re: my mms experience for candida
My guess is that you quit the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement too soon, AND you didn't build up your dosage high enough to hammer whatever is causing your problems while you were taking it. You just annoyed it with the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , and then invited it to come back even stronger by quitting the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . That's why you feel sick now when you try to go back to MMS.
10-12 drops once a day is nothing, especially if you only took the MMS for a couple of weeks. I didn't kill the big(ger) worms I had in me until I reached 9 drops 2x/day, and I just passed some more dead worms today (albeit smaller ones) at 17 drops. I intend to keep going up in dosage until I reach 24 drops 2/x a day, and I won't be surprised if I see even more worms then. If I were you I would try MMS again, and this time be serious about it. See it through to the end using either the old or new protocol (I am sticking with the old for now because that's how I got worms out). You will reach a hump just like everyone else where the mere thought of MMS makes you nauseous. I know I reached it, but I kept pushing and now I feel much better. Don't write it off just yet; it may very well be the only thing that can help you.