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Re: my mms experience for candida
jameskep37 Views: 11,801
Published: 14 y
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Re: my mms experience for candida

I wonder if your symptoms came back twice as bad because the mms is killing your friendly bacteria as well. Something to consider?

Sodium Chlorite might kill friendly bacteria as well? Ive heard mixed reviews about mms. Some say it works miracles from the start others say stay away from it its to corrosive. It might work short term. But it sounds too risky long term? It might be too corrosive/interfere with friendly bacteria in the long run. The chlorite tastes similiar to chlorine. I dont know if I would want to be taking someting that tastes like a chemical all the time. They say that the chrorine in tap water does kill some friendly bacteria. But I dont know how much stronger or weaker chlorite is compared to chlorine. If it were me i would not take it long term just because it tastes like a chlorine chemical and they say it could irritate your skin? well if it can irritate your skin im sure it can irritate your GI tract as well.



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