There are all kinds of variations...Re: coffee enema!!!
After considering all the variations for years (and trying them all many times), I've found very little difference in benefits
This is the basic formula:
For each cup of water, use 1 Tablespoon of coffee. 1
quart = 4 cups = 4 Tablespoons. So it looks like you're using a 'half strength' solution. There's certainly no harm in that, but you'll only be getting half the benefit. Personally, we use 'heaping tablespoons' when we make our solution.
(By the way, some suggest using 3 'heaping tablespoons' of coffee per quart...3 heaping tablespoons, 4 level tablespoons - 'not a significant difference).
Use a non-toxic/reactive enameled, glass, or stainless pot or kettle (never aluminum, copper, or non-stick), and pure "empty" water (either distilled or R/O filtered).
Bring to a boil (cover first, or cover immediately after boiling), then simmer for 12-15 minutes (or thereabout). Strain through a fine mesh stainless strainer (never use paper, as paper will absorb some amount of the constituents in the solution).
Cool to whatever 'close to body temperature' is comfortable.
Use all 4 cups at one time OR use two cups/expel/repeat (we call this a 'back to back CE') Retain solution for 12-20 minutes, expel.
>>> Time saving tip: we make 1/2 gallon batches of "double strength" solution at time, using 2T coffee per cup of water...then we strain it and refrigerate it (in a half gallon glass mason jar). When we're ready to do a CE, we mix equal parts solution and equal parts water, warm it up, and we're ready to "up dah" quickly & easily :) With two people doing daily CE's, we find this is MUCH more time-efficient. <<<<
Some will choose to do a cleansing warm-
water enema before or after (or both).
A *very* good post (if I do say so myself :) on CE's and adrenal stimulation:
Left or right side? I prefer left, as the goal is to ensure the solution comes into contact with the hepatic portal. Assuming this image is anatomically correct, it shows why I suggest 'left side':
On the back? Sometimes I'll roll over onto my back in order to reposition myself or to change the pressure/solution of the fluid (typically just because I'm not hearing any liver sounds via stethescope and want to hear something! lol However, hearing or not hearing 'bile flow' is not indicative of the various actions of the
Coffee-Enema 'working' or not). Although some practitioners (Dr. Kelley was one) used the
Coffee-Enema to assist with colon cleansing, and advised to push the solution into the transverse colon during a CE, this is a good way to end up assimilating too much caffeine. So I don't recommend taking the enema on the back (even without intending the solution to move into the transverse, it's possible some of it will). I recommend keeping the solution in the sigmoid colon, hence assuring it will easily be expelled. However, if laying on your back is what seems to 'work best for you' and is most comfortable...I am NO substitute for your own 'doctor within'! :)
Regarding a past post...the "energy" felt after doing a
Coffee-Enema is commonly attributed to the caffeine, but unless solution is retained in the colon, one rarely gets a "caffeine buzz".
The energy is true energy, as the CE boosts the glutathione-S-transferase system by 700% while the solution is retained. During this time, the blood passes through the liver every three minutes. This combines to create an incredible 'blood dialysis' process wherein VAST amounts of toxins & free radicals are neutralized. And yes, we DO feel energy after having our blood cleansed...but it's not (usually) the caffeine we're feeling.
Dr. Gerson had every terminal patient doing 4-5 CE's daily. For those that feel they need 'more than one' (a definite possibility), I suggest adding only one at a time daily (and stay at that number for several days), before adding another one.
If you haven't found it (or had the time) be sure to check out the
coffee enema FAQ:
P.S. I'm working on your responses now, and I've put together some extremely significant puzzle pieces. If you view the pieces as I do, I think there's a good chance between the two of us, we might be able to make a MAJOR-positive difference in your healing (and that of hundreds/thousands of others). I've got two long posts to finish for a couple of people before finishing yours, but I'm hoping to get them all done in the next day or two.