Re: Day 3 of Post 31 Day Fast - Status and questions
Ah, good to hear from you. Nothing like a really good broth, after a water fast, is there? My feeling about the olive oil is that it is fine. Esp. since it was the good stuff,and is after all a plant fat. Would not go into avocados too soon, but it sounds like it was fine for you.
I found after my 29 days that
Watermelon was too sweet and also disappointed me, with a cardboard taste. Get the best-quality food you can is my advice, even if it means not eating something you might currently have. You are rebuilding a body, and you want best nutrition.
Some people have sucked on whole oranges after a fast of the length you did, and moved on from there. Some of the old fasters who were supervised ate baked apples right away... (I like the idea of raw blended apples) I would keep going with the broth. See what your appetite tells you about mono fruit meals. Does your body really want a grapefruit? Personally, I don't do well with melons, although the
Watermelon sounded good. but cucumbers are appealing to me, post-fast.
lemon water would also be appealing.
I feel the most important thing is, not to shock the body with too many different foods too fast.(the broth imv is a good way to work toward juices and whole fruits...then into more veg. etc.