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More shakiness, irritability, hypoglycemic feeling when bowels are empty?

Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Konnor Views: 16,280
Published: 14 y

More shakiness, irritability, hypoglycemic feeling when bowels are empty?

Despite no doubt being linked to the adrenals, I've found these set of symptoms really horrid to deal with almost on a daily basis.

Basically, if I have a large morning bowel movement (I typically take magnesium upon waking), afterwards I generally feel hungry earlier, more hypoglycemic (despite not necessarily having blood Sugar levels at hypoglycemic levels at the time), shaky, more brain fog and anxious. My stomach will also typically feel emptier, even straight after meals.

Having to deal with a tendancy to constipation, the opposite is also true, i.e. if I don't have a complete bowel movement or 2 during the day, I'll feel more lethargic, less hypoglycemic - often not feeling like i'll have a blood Sugar crash 4+ hours after a snack, and have an ache over the liver area slightly.

Neither situation is preferable! Has anyone also sort of felt like this?

Besides trying to boost the adrenals, does anyone have any thoughts on how one might remain a little steadier with the low level adrenaline response, shakiness etc when the bowels are moving efficiently?

I imagine in my weak state, the 'stress' of waste/toxic elimination is putting a burdon on my body.

Side note - I have the whole she-bang: gut dysbiosis, a toxic liver and exhausted adrenals. Fun times.



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