I have exactly those symptoms, at those same times, minus the liver ache.
In my case, I do not believe it is the adrenals, because the adrenals probably would not change from strong to weak in 15 minutes, which is all the time that passes between the following:
A. If I have not had a BM in awhile, such as 4 hours or more, and then have a rather large BM, the time before that BM I do not have any blood
Sugar problem, no weakness/palpitation problems, and no problems with hunger that does not go away after eating something.
B. AFTER the large BM, I often suddenly DO have blood
Sugar problem, weakness/palpitation, and hunger that does not go away after eating something.
Only 15 minutes or less have passed between point A and point B. I do not think my adrenals could so suddenly be the cause of that.
What do I think? Well, one theory is that the large BM stirred up candida or other parasites, and removed much of their food source, so they quite suddenly will spit out toxins, making us feel so sick so suddenly.
If at point B I quickly take some strong herbs that are both antifungal and somwhat antiparasite, like oregano, with enough water to wash it down low into the gut, then my symptoms after point B are not so bad. This I think is even more support for my theory - the strong herb is washing down to kill off some of those candida/
parasites that are sitting down there, stopping them from spitting out toxins.
Who knows!!?!