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Big decision !
ETmtl Views: 1,598
Published: 14 y

Big decision !

I know I have already post about this but I still need a bit of support taking a big decision.

I have been having health issue for the last 7-8 years. During that period I manage to create a pretty good landscape /snow plowing business .

During this last year with work and stress I went from bad to worst. To the point I can no longer work. I still manage my business but I found it to still be a source of stress and tension for me. Dealing with close to a 100 client is not stress free.

I have come to the point were I need to decide if I am going to push trough and keep managing it.

I would like to hear from you experience stopping work/getting rid of your business . And if for some of you it was the right choice ?

I am only 26 so I am thinking when I do get better I could start something else.

In the meantime I will let my parents take care of me I guess !!!



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