Re: Vegetarianism is Unnatural
People have eaten meat for millions of years.
People still eat meat and live to 100 years or more eating meat.
When start seeing vegetarians live to be 150 might think of becoming one.
The argument here is that people are omnivores not carnivores and not herbivores but omnivores.
Our teeth have no problem chewing up cooked meat and we can especially, if the meat is cut into small pieces eat it raw meat pretty well. I know a few people that like their steak blue rare. Men also know how to use tools, fire. Fire and cooking helps us cook and eat many types of foods that are not very digestible raw,plant and animal foods.
I am 53 years old have eaten meat my entire life several times a week. Still alive. Father is 93 turning 94 in a few months .Ate meat all his life. Many meat eating people easily reach 100 years of age. Don't seem too unnatural to me.
Simple fact people can eat both meat and non meat foods and can digest meat.I don't think true herbivores can digest meat very well. And no one is saying man is a pure carnivore.
We have all the instincts of a top level predator. We kill for food and for sport, even each other for territory,religion, race, all sorts of stupid reasons.
We have inate killer instinct.
Vegetarianism is a perversion of human nature.Show me your 150 year old vegetarians.