I am 24 and have been suffering with digestive problems for 5-6 years. I was told I have IBS by doctors and there is nothing they can do to help take some fiber eat some fruit.
I suffered from random diarreha and couldn't figure out why. With help from a Naturopath i have cut out food that I am allergic too even though I had never had problems with before such as beef, corn and a few other things. This has helped but not completely solved the problems. I still get an uncontrolable urge to goto the bathroom at times generally right when I wake up. It seems that my food is not being digested properly or something. SOme herbal treatments help but none seem to cure. I know that this isn't just IBS because my whole life I have had if anything a very strong digestive system and I think it wasn't just a coincidence that this started when I moved away from home and wasn't eating well and was stressed out by school and even depressed. NOw the only thing that stresses me out is my digestion and if I will be near a bathroom when I need to be.
So my main question is has anyone else suffered from similar symptoms and cured them with these Liver Flush's. I have been looking at trying one and although some posts have scared me a bit I thik it could help but if no one else has seen results I don't want to risk it. I have worked so hard to get feeling this much better I don't want to regress. Any advice or questions are welcomed.