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It is all about Loyalty and Love
mo123 Views: 1,389
Published: 14 y
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It is all about Loyalty and Love

I think there needs to be more love at curezone and less wars. Needless to say I have been a victim of many attacks here on curezone and it hurts. IT demeans and it devastates you. I have been cyberbullied, loss income and even very close friends. I have seen best friends part and I have seen my share of hate mail.

What I see very little of is true love, hugs and simply you know what Mr. H you made a good post today or Sara you know you are so welcomed back. Heheheh besides my mod in my forum who did welcome me back.

Like Mr. H I left due to not liking a mod decision and thru an act of God I returned. I have been where he is and I am telling everyone to not worry about what happened yesterday or even last month.

I am telling you Mr. H if you have information to help others not be sick anymore then come back and spread the word. If you want to do other than that, then well you be the best judge.

We at curezone need more love and less wars. We need more people to say we need you and we need more people to just understand we have feelings and if you cut us we bleed.



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