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Re: How about a Big, Big Hug for Mr. H.??
ppolly Views: 1,322
Published: 14 y
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Re: How about a Big, Big Hug for Mr. H.??

I have enjoyed and continue to benefit from Hv's advice. His wealth of knowledge and experience are extensive and I appreciate that he frequently suggests more than one route to achieve a similar effect, taking in to account high cost or low availability. He illuminates the Science behind the recommendations and voices caveats regarding interactions/contraindications.

The free service he as offered here has truly been invaluable and I miss his voice on this forum.

I respect his decision to lay low until the soap-opera-drama dissipates and hope that it is just a temporary break -or- that he will resurface on a site more in line with his philosophy.

However... I find that peoples' beliefs in this arena are passionate and often contradictory to others in ways similar to politics and religion. I imagine that like politics and religion, the tendency to hurl insults when debating alternative medicine will continue. Although I, personally, recognize and ignore those derogatory comments directed at Hv, if he finds the atmosphere of barbs and name-calling toxic then he should stay away... even though he will be missed.

Good health to us all - thanks for a great run, Hv! I look forward to hearing from you whenever you're ready.


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