Re: I'm scared, should I do a flush-Please opinions needed
Take your time to read up on everything. You have lived with your problems for awhile so they won't go away overnight.
Do one step at a time. If you have a BM every day, start with the liverflush. Most people do the
Hulda Clark one 1st (see under cleanses) and later on sometimes start different ones.
I would stop the supplements so you will get a better idea how the flush is helping you. Give yourself at least 8 flushes (every 2-3 weeks) to see the most progress.
Drink water half you bodyweight in
ounces per day, most people use distilled. Buy celtic
Sea Salt instead of regular salt so you will get all your minerals.
For reading top of the page FAQ.
A different flush but a website with a lot of information Julia Chang's
Here is a link about colon health, you can do the colon cleansing too, just skip on the day you do your flush, since you already use the
Epsom Salts which will clean you out