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Re: "Virtually every piece of plastic ever made, still exists."
fledgling Views: 3,537
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Re: "Virtually every piece of plastic ever made, still exists."

Spudlydoo wrote;

I think a lot of the plastic packaging is really unnecessary, we have just become accustomed to it. It was the large supermarkets that made it compulsory for just about everything. I take my own bags to the shop, and try to buy things that don't come wrapped in plastic, its an effort.

I have celiac disease, and so does my Granddaughter, seems to be an hereditary thing. At home, and at my house, everything is gluten free anyway, but at kindergarten, or at friend's houses, its a difficulty. As an adult, I can understand why I can't have certain foods, but its very hard for a 3 year old to grasp this. There isn't much embarrassment these days, its just the way it is.

You've had so many experiences Fledgling, running a grocery store, bet that was fun ;), my Partner and I own a backpackers hostel, we've had this business for about ten years now. Its interesting.

My reply;


I'm sitting here with an apparent 'letter to the editor (?)' torn from a recent Toronto (Canada) Globe and Mail newspaper. It appears to be only a simple and logical question about banning mercury Amalgam fillings in the teeth of an "expert's" answer that mercury Amalgam doesn't turn into "methyl-mercury" within the human body.

I have a magnifier but I can't reread the clipping in this 4 a.m. light to see what "scientific" references are given.

I don't remember any from when my husband read it to me.

My immediate reaction was, "Says who?", but I kept that to myself.

I also got a Personal Message from someone here at Curezone (who I don't recognize) about some kind of question on sources of lecithin (which they couldn't access)...all of which I did not write in the first place. I am sure.

I think someone, or many someones, are trying to pull our legs.

Where in all these words are the gems of logic that ring true?

I think that these writers have another agenda.

Maybe, by calling attention to alarming "facts" and possible "answers", they hope to divert our efforts and beliefs.

I don't like what they "could" be doing.

I don't have time for it. I am too busy keeping myself well.

One thing has become apparent since I've been watching myself closely after the stroke...the body moderates its efforts to accept its limitations and make one as healthy as possible with whatever it has at hand.

I saw Kirk Douglas on the Awards broadcast the other night.

He was far stronger than the last time I saw him.

Yes, he had limitations in his movements and speech...but he, himself, was running his body. He was giving a performance. He was following a script.

How do I know? Because some of his limitations are exactly the same as mine.

I remember the internal spark that got me out of my different beds, doing chores for myself, and walking. I remember the logic that soothed my fears and refreshed my feelings for life.

I'm sorry, writers, I don't believe you. I recognize improvement and strength shining through even limited movements and slurred speech. I recognize intent. I remember the intentions of an elderly man I saw when he was young.

I remember the account of him telephoning Doris Day to suggest she put her money in other hands, as he was doing. (She won back 11 million missing dollars in a court settlement.)

Lots of writers are pushing too hard, too soon, I think. They want us to forget wonderful assets we have in our memories and observations and logic, before we must.

As Shakespeare observed: "Methinks he protests too much." (Or something like that.)

The human brain (etc.) is amazing. We can do marvelous things...and we are far less impaired than some are hoping we are.

I even think that many so-called "investigative reporters" haven't lived long enough to notice incongruities in the statements of these "experts" who are being paid by people and organizations in the shadows.

Besides, there are far more of us than them.

Be not afraid, my friends...there are things working in our favour, far more strongly (and quickly) than we dream.

Those who would frighten and confuse us are becoming quite concerned that they will fail.



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