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Re: NEED HELP. 5'6'' 104lbs

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chirontherainbowbridge Views: 2,667
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Re: NEED HELP. 5'6'' 104lbs


try to remember that water fasting is not the same -by any stretch- as the kind of starvation ( barely eating, but being depleted and denied) that leads one to become emaciated and nutrient-deficient... They are different planets entirely! :-)

All the expertise of countless water fasters before you says (and demonstrates) that you will become hungry in a way that you will not be able to ignore, long before you are in any danger, weightwise or stores-wise. (bodily stores). You will be ravenous. It's not a 'maybe' thing.

Although you might very well look emaciated now, (edit--but you say you don't), within a short time after breaking the fast, and most esp. if you eat only the finest high-density plant-based diet, you will have rebuilt the body with the best possible foundation.
Important part of the post: Long before you are in danger, you will feel 'well' AND feel like you MUST eat.

For anyone who'd reading this and thinks "hey, I sorta feel like that", be sure and note the difference between fantasy-eating (which is tied to old habits and emotions), the slow rebuilding of a genuine appetite(for what's healthy: this can lead to fantasy too), and actual, true hunger--which is not negotiable!

My advise is, do not worry--but practice a kind of ongoing gratitude (through attention) for this time, and for what the body can accomplish. As you are experiencing, you ARE moving toward a natural place of breaking the fast.

Do not break on any kind of "low" point, is what everyone would agree on. Always wait a little longer than you might, like "until tomorrow" and then re-gage where you are after a night's rest. Everything changes rapidly, and as bead as you can feel one hour--you can feel twice that GREAT, once another layer has been allowed to naturally heal (and go through process) by itself.

As far as breaking at the right time--your inner tuition (intuition) will speak loudly, (or softly but clearly) when the time is right.

take it day by day,,,


if you are very concerned--post on the fastingconnection to the fasting doctor there--I feel sure he will tell you the same--but you might feel more at peace hearing it from him. There is a rather scary picture floating wround here somewhere --an emaciated faster==but some time soon after the fast, on refeeding,  he looked better than he had for maybe his whole life.  I think this is a big part of why people were ALWAYS encouraged to go away to fasting retreat centres. No mirrors, and no close family types to gasp and be fearful.




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