Re: Seeking Support, Friends, answers
Yes, Katara, there must be a breakthrough soon; and I pray everyday. I will check out the things you pointed out, thank you.
I'm having another "horror show" tonight... I was starting to get a toothache, as I do a lot lately, so I started by swishing and brushing with warm salt water, as I was in the kitchen. It went away after awhile, so I went to the bathroom to finish brushing my teeth; then I brushed my tongue (which has been kind of blackish lately - I attributed it to partial detoxing)... then I went to brush the roof of my mouth. I had been feeling something odd there with my tongue for a couple of hours, anyway... so I was dipping my toothbrush into the salt water, brushing, then rinsing it in hot water, back and forth like that. It seemed like slimy ribbons were detaching from the roof of my mouth, and my toothbrush was getting very yucky/thickly slimy each additional time I rinced it in the hot water. There was no pain at all, but I started seeing blood come out when I spit. I moved over to the toilet so when I spit, I could get a better look at it. I found out that when I sucked before I spit, a LOT more blood - and gore was coming out... globs and strings of goo, bright red blood, some darker blood, and yellowish goo. I couldn't positively identify it as worms... but that's the feeling I got, and earlier it had felt with my tongue like swirls barely under the skin there, so I had worried about it. I continued with this for about 5-10 minutes, until most of the gore had stopped coming out, and the roof of my mouth finally just began to be a bit sore. During this process, each time I rinsed the toothbrush, it was more and more goooooy! At the end of it, there were dozens of blobs of this gore, and string-shaped stuff. Now if that was a worm, or worms, it certainly was not the sort I pulled out of my hair... it was stuff that looked quite biological; so there obviously is some kind of combo of nano and biological stuff going on here. I'm sorry if I grossed you out. Thank you for letting me "share" that unpleasant story. I will go up to the top of this note and give you a warning that this story is gross!!
Thank you!