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Published: 14 y

Benefits of Chi Kung

There are many chi-kung practices available. But, one of the more important chi kung practices to date is called Lift Chi Up & Pour Chi Down (LCUPCD). It is beneficial for several reasons. First, it is a short (twelve-minute) form that can fit into a busy lifestyle. Second, its unique movements will adjust and correct any spinal misalignment. Lastly, it will open the central channel and strengthen the nervous system.

This particular form was developed by Dr. Pang Ming. He is the founder of Zhi-Neng Qigong. The benefits of this form could be overlooked if one isn’t aware of its unique quality. If you can get out of your comfort zone and find a healer that will introduce you to this you won’t be disappointed. After taking a weekend workshop, I practiced daily for a month and was able to become self-sufficient in regards to adjusting my spine. I often wonder if my chiropractor misses me.

Dr. Pang is the first person that has brought a movement therapy that opens up the central channel safely at the deepest level. In ancient China, performing tai-chi also had an inner form too but is rarely known.

This inner form is a combination of breath work and visualization for opening up, what the ancient Chinese Acupuncturists would call the meridians, for better health. My instructor, Mingtong Gu, told us that when tai-chi was introduced to the west only the outer form of physical movement was given to the public.

- On an outer level this practice is the most skillful for adjusting the spine.
- On an inner level it releases pain and blockages in the body.
- On the deepest level it will open and widen the central channel.

If you would like more information visit the Chi-Lel Qigong website. I can’t recommend it highly enough. For best results, it is always helpful to find a certified practitioner who can properly instruct you on BOTH the outer movement and the inner form.

Interestingly enough, after receiving four months of Feldenkrais therapy on a weekly basis I was beginning to experience more flexibility and pliability within my body. To top this off, this chi-kung allowed me to forgo any future chiropractic treatment. Why is this? After one month of daily practice with this form I was able to adjust and correct any spinal misalignment without anyone's help. I became self-sufficient with having mastered an aspect of functional integration.

For access to links click here:

I haven’t been able to find a good version of this form online. The entire form should be performed (about 12 minutes) and done much slower than it is in the video below. Nonetheless, this particular gentleman depicts each movement fairly accurately. Check out his video on YouTube:





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