Re: Went to the doctor... Frustrated!
Well then I would really consider about treating yourself for roundworm or tapeworm, but it seems like the vermox should have helped if it was roundworm, maybe continue to use that if you can, if not I would def consider buying or getting meds from your doc for tapeworm.
docs keep telling me I got a bad bug that made me lose this weight and what not, but after a few months i started to notice my teeth were rotting and I pulled a lil wormy out my nose. One night the pain in my jaw/teeth was sooo bad, i decided to snort some oil of oregano, as crazy as it sounds, all of a sudden a felt something like tickeling/moving me way deep inside and then i started to sneeze about 10-15 times in a row, then pulled out a lil wormy about over an
inch long and my jaw has felt better ever since, but my teeth cant heal themselves so they will have to come out I'm sure.
heres a link with the teeth info..scroll down to highlighted area and read that.. by the way i told my doc when i first got sick about the teeth grinding and clenching, he blamed it on stress lol