Good Hydration Must Include Good Salt!
A beloved family member recently had an overnight stay at our local hospital due to diabetes, high blood pressure, and a racing heart.
It's funny (not haha) to
me that the drugs that (
they claimed) brought down all the negative numbers down to a more tolerable level do
not work nearly as well
out of the hospital.
But guess what
else they gave their patient?
An IV for hydration.
Yep - an IV drip that had
water AND a lot more sodium per litre than what is recommended at At the hospital, they want you hydrated, and quickly.
If you start drinking half your weight in
ounces of steam-distilled water, and consume a 1/4 teaspoon of
good salt
(like Redmond's RealSalt found at your local health food store), I guaran-darn-
tee ya ANY health problem you may have will improve!
Think about it. Doctors say...oh mustn't have salt - oh no! Heaven FORBID!!
But no, you get
dehydrated, and all kinds of things start going downhill, and what-do-you-get
in the hospital that perks you right up?
look up IV drip and tell me I'm wrong
I'm sorry, I get so angry because so many people refuse to see this. If people would just research the data and see just how much salt is in those IV drips, then maybe they would...oh, Karen, calm
The kidneys need the salt besides the water - to squeeze out things like toxins, and plaque, and extra sugar.
The water is necessary not only to hydrate your body, but to oxygenate your cells, too! (they don't call it h2
O for nothin'!)
And think about the formula, too. The bigger the body, the bigger the need for water, because you simply have that many
more cells in your body
to hydrate!
(It has been recommended that a 100lb body would need 50oz water daily, but a 200lb body would need 100oz daily - and for every
quart or litre of water you consume, you should also consume 1/4 teaspoon of GOOD salt, not the bleached and demineralized schtuff for which the little girl with the umbrella models!)
I got mad at a doctor yesterday, lol, can you tell?
Love to you all!