Re: fruitarian pioneer, Essie Honiball, 86 the benefits of fruit diet.
Blumel, when beginnng this 6 yrs ago, I didn't know one single holistic person in real life. I opted to go to chatrooms at and here at curezone. Those at naturalcures were MADDENING. Everybody that was sick wanted the "silver bullet" from nature. Folks just don't GET IT. This is a lifestyle!!! This is about BUILDING a healthy body. Frankly, it's rebelling against medicine and factory farming. IF a person doesn't see that accumulations from lifestyle are the CAUSE of dis-ease and/or decline, what can YOU do?
BEST advice that I can give you: help those that get it!!
MH has sat answering questions in this forum for YEARS. He can probably name those that he KNOWS that GOT IT! Same with me. ... pffft, there's a handful.
MH built a school. There's not enough interested for him to feel the need to keep it going. I've read the books, he put up ... I've viewed the videos ... I PAID FOR THE PRIVILEDGE!!!!!!!! He's got more REAL health infomation than anybody I've come across yet, except MAYBE Mike Adams who has an impressive library of his own. Mike Adams doesn't give away the information from the books except in bits and pieces in an occassional newsletter. MH needs the support from those of us who DO GET IT to keep this going and growing!
I'd, also, suggest that you familirize yourself with Barefooters' Library and give the folks that will a place to do readReadREADing on their own subjects of interest. Self-education, self-experimentation ... there's no holistic lifestyle way around it! MH has given the Library 2-thumbs-up.