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Re: liponano c or isocort
healthyartist Views: 2,734
Published: 14 y
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Re: liponano c or isocort

Listen. You have GOT to stop doing both of those things first before you start adding supplements. Seriously. When I quit I had to quit both at the same time because they go together. This needs to be your number one priority. You can do it! I promise.

If I were you I would spend some time researching what is happening chemically to your body when you smoke and you will find that when it feels like it is relieving stress it is actually stress that causes early nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Then you smoke and it appears as though it is helping with stress but it's really just relieving the nicotine withdrawal. So, in essense, you have your stress and then you add a whole nother layer of stress on top of it. Bad, bad, bad for the adrenals.

I wish I remembered the website, but I found one that really helped me to quit by overhauling what I thought was happening and by giving me perspective. It mentioned that a nicotine withdrawal symptom usually lasts about 15 seconds and generally only happens a couple of times per day. Think about how many seconds that is. It's nothing. If you aren't fixated on the IDEA of the cigarette for longer then you only have maybe a minute's worth of actual chemical withdrawal. The rest is mental and has a lot to do with your belief about what you are capable of and whether or not quitting is hard or easy. Try working on rewriting the idea of quitting in your mind as being easy. That's what helped me the most and truthfully I quit without any pain or suffering once I educated myself and I changed the way I thought I about it.

Good luck!



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