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Re: I have bad URINE body odor!! Help me!
voltahealth Views: 51,835
Published: 14 y
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Re: I have bad URINE body odor!! Help me!

The first thing I would do is the master cleanse! You wouldn't believe how cleaned up you can get by doing this. I used to have not so nice body odour after exercise, but not anymore! I'm not talking about a long cleanse, just do a 10-12 day cleanse. It is difficult, but definitely do-able!  It's a pretty simple cleanse. Buy the darkest maple syrup you can buy (unprocessed organic), 2 bags of organic if possible lemons, fresh cayenne pepper, and pure spring water for mixing. 

I usually mix 3 - 10oz cups at a time. For each 10oz. cup, you add 2 tbsp of the maple syrup, and 2 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon juice ( 1/2 a lemon ), and a pinch of cayenne pepper (1/10th tsp) or as much as you can stand as it's very cleansing, mix that up, and gulp it down. You drink 6-10 glasses a day, and NOTHING ELSE, except maybe peppermint tea from time to time, and every night before bed, drink a laxative (senna) tea. I just bought senna leaves, but they have senna prepared teas you can buy.

The morning is the toughest. Drinking 1L (quart) of salt water. Add between 1-2 tsp of non-iodized sea salt to 1L of spring water, and chug, I modified it to put that amount of salt into about a 10oz. glass, chugged that quickly, and then chased it with the remaining water, this worked good too.

Stay near a bathroom after this, for at least 1 hour, trust me! Adjust the salt as needed, it should make you have to run to the bathroom within 10-15 mins of dowing the salt water, this is what you want! 

That is pretty much all there is to it. Whatever you do, don't eat anything else. Do not take any supplements or pills of any kind, as your system will be very sensitive while cleansing.

After the cleanse, start slow to get back onto food. The first day, maybe just some orange juice in the AM and then in the pm, just some soup (broth) with boiled vegetables at most. You can still have a cup or two of the lemonaide if you like. Second day, progress slowly, don't eat anything to heavy (fruits, veggies, soup) the 3rd day you should be fine to eat almost anything, but I would still not eat too heavy.

After the cleanse I highly recommend taking spirulina and chlorella to repair your body fully. Read you will be glad you did!

If you take this advice, I'm almost sure your problem will dissapear! Good luck!



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