Hey I know it sucks alot this urine bo. I have the same type of bo. It comes through my pores and smells strongly like urine. Same here no matter how many times I shower I smell like urine. I even smell up entire rooms. I have had this bo for about 4 yrs. Like you I've gone through alot with people rude comments etc. When I go out I feel like I'm treated like a thing not a person. I also have great hygiene, I shower, wear deordorant, wear perfume and still I smell. I was wondering do peoples' eyes get watery around you and do they cough alot becuase my bo tends to cause those kind of reactions and I wonder why it does and if anyone else has that issue too. Also have you seen a doctor to make sure there is nothing healthwise that could possibly cause this bo you are having, I thought when this bo first started oh my gosh I must have a medical issue and I went to 2 different doctors to get 2 professional opinions because I just wanted to make sure I was healthy and both my blood lab results came back normal and I was happy for that but I still have a bo that needs to get a solution. I am currently trying chorophyl it helps a little but my bo is still noticeable.Feel free to message me I know talking to people who are going through the same issue always helps. I hope you find a solution soon and ignore all the idiots that treat you badly. What I do when this bo feels overwhelming and people are ginvng me a hard time becuase of it is pray to God and count the Blessings in my life and it works. Take care and hang in there and know you are not alone in this bo battle:)