My body temp went from 97.2 to 98.6. I am never cold, always warm or hot. I can wear shorts and a tee shirt when everyone else is clad in winter coats. I can loose weight easily. My skin is not dry. I sleep better. Headaches? Havent had one in years. Cholesterol drifts up and down usually in the normal ranges. DHEA is normal. Blood pressure is normal. With this in mind, I want to give credit to Magnesium, 1500 mg per day, Selenium 600 mcg per day, One teaspoon or so of ancient untouched Sea Salt , zinc, 5000 mg Vitamin C, and many others with Iodine. The headaches disappeared after I started Magnesium. I give credit to Trapper and all of the others on here. Don't forget Cayanne Pepper. It is hot now, but after a week, its not hot at all.